Recent content by Classical

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  1. OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

    Ive been trying to get online, but once i click my character and then login, i just get a black screen, ive installed everything from your website
  2. Suggestion Guild Territory Changes?? is this possible?

    This is why i suggested that instead of it being for GT, use it as a housing system, where only a married couple could purchase / build a house, this would of kept the towns populated. Wasn't there only like 10 GT's anyways ?? Yes this idea seems ace i like the idea ^_^ would be a totally...
  3. Suggestion Guild Territory Changes?? is this possible?

    Do you know where i could get the code from to add into game, i just wanna change it so it be a different system may as well alter systems rather then chucking them away :D still an asset to mir :P <3
  4. Suggestion Guild Territory Changes?? is this possible?

    Just had abit of a brain storm, with the Guild Territory, would this be able to get changed and used as a housing feature, where only married couples will be able to apply for a house, but have 3 choices to choose from i.e......House, Castle, Palace each will need items to build with and cost...
  5. Request Mir2 TM Help

    Its ok now ive finished it, i just deleted the old source code and used my back up saved, and it worked when i started it from fresh, thanks guys for all ya help and thank u far appreciate ya help :)
  6. Request Mir2 TM Help

    When i press the retrieve button it says this So this one is when i click retrieve And this one is when i click yes i cant work out whats wrong or where abouts :S so cant get any items back, but also the tabs on the side they dont work, so when i click armours it dont show just the armours...
  7. Request Mir2 TM Help

    This is what i have in the MirConnections private void MarketSearch(C.MarketSearch p) { if (Stage != GameStage.Game) return; Player.UserMatch = p.Usermode; Player.MinShapes = p.MinShape; Player.MaxShapes = p.MaxShape...
  8. Request Mir2 TM Help

    Ok ive managed to get this coded into the source, but im now having problems ingame and aint to sure if its to do with something ive coded wrong or what, I Can put items into the TM, and Search for items, but im having problems in regards to retrieving them back, and the Tabs on the left hand...
  9. Does anyone have

    Thank you appreciate the help :D
  10. Does anyone have

    Do you have a link to the download please pal, i dont know exactly what im looking for
  11. Does anyone have

    Just 1 more quick question do u have anything i could use to open the mdb file please ??
  12. Does anyone have

    Thank guys really appreciate the help ^_^
  13. Does anyone have

    Does anyone have a website that has the euro mob DB info and Drop info if possible please would be very helpful as the dont show other dungeon mobs only province mobs
  14. Request Can someone please help

    Ok im looking for all the old mir2 maps which include BichonWall (Before it was edited but need the 1 which still allowed you to go fishing) SerpentValley (Before it was edited) Castle-Gi (Before it was edited) WoomyonWoods (Before it was edited) + (Edited Map if possible) TaoSchool (Before it...