Recent content by DarkStar

  1. DarkStar

    EuroReborn - The Highest Definition

    i remember people would bait to get people to hit them first so then once you've gone brown then they would @recall their lover and 2v1 you maybe you can stop recall when pvp engaged or something like that
  2. DarkStar

    Chinese Conquera - anyone play?

    cherry credits took it down ages ago mate. it was like 1/4 of the actual game but it was brilliant rip mir3d
  3. DarkStar

    EuroReborn - The Highest Definition

    Looks great sanjian, i enjoyed Euro reborn so defiantly will give this v2 a bash! Really happy to read you are keeping just 3 classes too! Yellow.
  4. DarkStar

    [2.3] Valkyrie Re-Launch

    Got more chance chronicles fresh server coming than this getting finished.
  5. DarkStar

    Task Manager End Task - PK Avoidance. Now Fixed.

    people would bait you into pk then summon their marriage partner, any fix for that? shouldn't be able to recall your lover if engage in pvp tbh, the brown thing was best thing on your server tbh and the alt f4 iv seen plenty of people doing that so nice to see that change expect if you lag out :D
  6. DarkStar

    LegendOfMir2 "TheEnd" - Discussion

    he did mention on discord that once people start hitting the 50 cap he will progress server onto 70 content / rebirth obviously needs to update his advert :D
  7. DarkStar

    Chinese Conquera - anyone play?

    Poweranges have accounts on their what's up?!
  8. DarkStar

    Conquera client

    are you building on unreal platform or trying to build it to run on crystal :s?
  9. DarkStar

    Content Update: Legendary Eternal (Mir 3D)

    you can click both boxs makes no differnce, yes its offical, we had our chinaman who made us the accounts send us his folder and it worked
  10. DarkStar

    Content Update: Legendary Eternal (Mir 3D)

    a few others have played the offical one mentioned in link above, if you know someone/findsomeone there they can sort you a account out, plus you might need them to send you the gpk folder otherwise the doors wont open on the "fresh" install update/repair client doesnt fix it. such a good game...
  11. DarkStar

    The Primordials Rise [C# Mir2]

    really enjoying this server's beta so far :triumphant:
  12. DarkStar

    Conquera Private Server, Chinese

    would destroy mir2/3 server for sure if ran correctly and wasn't a cash cow like they make it.
  13. DarkStar

    Nostalgia of Mir

    Nice to see a server with a timeline and direction. looks good too! love normal item/stat servers. as above any ETA?!
  14. DarkStar

    Legend of Mir 2 - Valkyrie

    Can't wait for this looks good! Any thoughts on previous comment about opening a beta with some high rate xp to get feels for your content or are you far from that point yet?
  15. DarkStar

    Legend of Mir 2 - Valkyrie

    looking forward to your updated main post, hopefully Tai will allow this soon. how is everything coming together? getting closer to a launch date?