Recent content by Elixer

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  1. Mir2 Vengeance - Crystal at its best

    Hi, is this server worth trying? Also could anyone tell me what the UC is at peak times
  2. Extreme [2.3]

    I heard it's the exact same content as befor with little added if anything
  3. HaarpCord [Heroes]

    This guy launches his server every few months then closes and wiped again once donations dry up, adding zero content each time. Why ain't mods doing there jobs?
  4. Open world pvp runescape OFFICIAL

    From what I've been told, this version of runescape went up about a week ago, I know it's only shitty runescape but give it ago it's quite fun And yes this is made by jägex and not just a private server
  5. Legend of Mir Galaxy [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: ~* Legend of Mir Galaxy *~ Maybe you should read peoples posts properly, majority say they are with another tao
  6. Legend of Mir Galaxy [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: ~* Legend of Mir Galaxy *~ Well if poison is 30second cd and me and my mate keep it constant poisoned 15seconds each then obviously it does...
  7. Legend of Mir Galaxy [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: ~* Legend of Mir Galaxy *~ I hope you ignore all these poison moans, I often hunt with another Tao and we manage to keep bosses etc constantly poisoned by doing 15secs each, how people think it only lasts 3-4seconds is beyond me