Recent content by LightAngels

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  1. LightAngels

    Mir2 private servers are in the worst state since Euro went down....

    Personally I would have loved to see someone properly re-create Mir 2 USA Server and all of its content, must've been the most balanced server I've seen in terms of drops and not getting 1 shot in PvP :P
  2. LightAngels

    Private Server

    Hello friends, I was wanting to host a little private server but have absolutely no idea on what I need to do or what I need. I was wondering if anyone could point me to a very basic set up or dedicated host or whatever it is, I'll need to do so. I have my own file set that I will use, I am just...
  3. LightAngels

    EuroReborn (Custom Crystal)

    Any update on where this is at?
  4. LightAngels

    Request GamepotUSA Mir2 Client

    You remaking :^)?
  5. LightAngels

    [Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

    Is the patcher released for this yet?
  6. LightAngels

    [Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

    Ugh another 10 days to go :( , the years I have waited for this moment!!! Feels like it was just... A long time ago ;^P
  7. LightAngels

    EdensElite2(StomHero) .

  8. LightAngels

    [Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

    From what I saw when I was testing the server, it has loads of content. Especially bosses and sub bosses, was really disappointed to see it not go live along time ago but good to see it back. I don't think you'll be disappointed though.
  9. LightAngels

    [Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

    whoa lmao, after 2 years this is finally being released?
  10. LightAngels

    Mir 2 Dead?

    Sooo, any mir 2 serves coming? Thx v much😂😂
  11. LightAngels

    Mir 2 Dead?

    Can't someone just go ahead and remake Mir 2 USA lowkey? Like i've been waiting so long for something of the level of that. Please, I'll love you forever xox..
  12. LightAngels

    Zircon Server Development

    do you have a Christimas event lined up for when you launch? Just cuuuuuuurious, might make me motivated to play ;P
  13. LightAngels

    Happy Server [Crystal] Discussion

    Re: Happy mir2 Season 2 6/23 Open ! (Low rate ) Looks like Mir 2 USA, but Korean. Fun but I cba to try and understand a server based around a different language lol :^(
  14. LightAngels

    Legend of Mir: Affinity Ascension

    Jesus Christ so many paragraphs LMFAO
  15. LightAngels

    [C# Files] Apocalypse Mir

    woot finally progress. :P