Recent content by LoosePube

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  1. LoosePube

    [Holley] ~Fire~Legend Of Mir 3 HOLLEY "MEDIUM RATES"~"PVP"~

    Damn have you been working on this since 2021?
  2. LoosePube

    OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

    He is a money hungry piece of work, if you say you'll give him some more money to resolve your issue he will come running.
  3. LoosePube

    Zircon Taral XE - Launching 7th April 2023 - 2pm

    I will try for sure.
  4. LoosePube

    Play to win servers instead of Pay to win.

    He banned me instantly when I said similar things to this on his discord. If you are feeding him money, he will be your loyal puppy.
  5. LoosePube

    OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

    This server is good if you don't like playing the game.
  6. LoosePube

    Discussion Epic Mir2

    Full client link not working. Also no info on game shop ;)
  7. LoosePube

    Legend of Mir Titan World v2 High Rate - Discussion

    I tried to goto oma cave/skeleton cave and couldn't enter. What low caves do you speak of In bichon wall there are a ton of invisible blocked spots probably many more in other maps, but I wasn't able to get that far.
  8. LoosePube

    Legend of Mir Titan World v2 High Rate - Discussion

    You start with 100k gold or some thing and to teleport to any map you need at least 1m.. On top of that you have so many spots on the map that are invisible walls. There's probably tons more but I didn't get the chance to find them. Couldn't leave the main town even if I tried to RT to top right...
  9. LoosePube

    Legend of Mir Titan World v2 High Rate - Discussion

    This is hands down the worst server I have ever tried lmao
  10. LoosePube

    Global MIR3

    Don't waste your time on this one
  11. LoosePube

    Mir4 worth playing?

    It's pretty fun. I think its more fun that most mir servers we have right now. Just hit lvl 30 and it's getting a lot more fun.
  12. LoosePube

    Help help me to setup client 3.68 ?

    How come you took an actual photo and not a screen shot is what I wanna know
  13. LoosePube

    Legend of Mir M & W New High-Resolution Screenshots

    Are they both mobile games?
  14. LoosePube

    [Approved] Chronicles [AceM2] Discussion

    I was able to get it downloaded. Had to open and close patcher over 100 times.
  15. LoosePube

    [Approved] Chronicles [AceM2] Discussion

    Tried reopening multiple times doesn't help at all. Doesn't usually say Speed: 0 Bps Usually it has some speed and is frozen on that speed.