Recent content by MirinBrah?

  1. The Last Chapter : Mir II

    When does beta start ?
  2. [Approved] Chronicles [AceM2] Discussion

    would get a 250+ UC easy euro reborn is done
  3. Zircon don't allow pk drops or allow??

    In all seriousness, you have yet provided a resolution to problems that have been pointed out to you in regards to death drops. What is your solution for all the Wizards that will be prone to 1 hit kills from the (Majority voted) Assassins in the game? Are we to just tuck our tale between our...
  4. Zircon don't allow pk drops or allow??

    Yeah it is a much higher user count then Zircom can expect based on his last server UC But scorp managed to pull in 400 players on past server reputation and a nice website alone
  5. Zircon don't allow pk drops or allow??

    Really failing to understand what all the fuss is about given no official mir3 servers ever had body drops from PK. Everyone played them fine until they shut Everyone played with the large number of bugs and clear as day class balance issues , but that was 7-8 years ago they also had no choice...
  6. Which class will you pick for Zircom ?

    I am surprised so many are going to be playing warrior , i know this is alpha but they seem the weakest class out of the 4 with sin/wiz seem to be out in front i know alot of the warrior spells don;t come in untill between 40-50 but looks like they are really going to struggle early on when...
  7. Which class will you pick for Zircom ?

  8. Zircon Server Development

    What happens when, as has been the case forever, a warrior goes and checks if a boss is in. If it is, the rest of the guild makes their way there (clearing or rting to KR regardless). That's a common tactic. What happens when the warrior arrives at the KR, finds enemy guild killing after...
  9. Zircon Server Development

    You don't drop ever
  10. Zircon Server Development

    It will promote PVP which is a good thing , the people who don;t like to PVP will have it turned off , i will have it on 24/7 If it was my server i would have it on for everyone, stops people getting away with exploits , stops people getting away with cheats for long
  11. Zircon Server Development

    From what jamie has said you will be able to observe people if they have it turned on bonus for having it on % of extra exp i think it is 5%? can only turn it on/off from safezone you can only observe people while you are standing in SZ , you will see what they see except chat bar , i think he...
  12. Zircon Server Development

    still loads to do , quests , famepoints loads of maps/caves skills , skill bar being able to attack other players , SW/MW's , guilds , gameshop , the observe feature
  13. Zircon don't allow pk drops or allow??

    You will get alot more PK with drops off, the amount of crying jamie will get when sins are one hitting people from flash of light or the the spell from invis people will rt/tt as soon as they are wrath grip or pulled from across the screen with the war spell if drops are on
  14. Zircon Server Development

    When he dies , he clicks ress his client disconnects , sometimes when mobs hit him he also disconnects
  15. [Other] Developing Kor Server Files

    sick When do you think you will have everything translated ? no need to beta test as this is mir 3 kor just translated into english ?