Recent content by numacurse

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    When will they fix random teleport spell of mages?
  2. Conquera players.

    I'm enjoying the game, it gives me the nostalgia high, I haven't played mir since 2006. Once you get centipedes to tame as Wiz the game because easier :). 26 atm. I hope they solve the flaws before launch. The game is dominado like most sandbox games, there is a guild who kills players on sight...
  3. Are fire spells for wiz useless after getting thunder?

    That's what I use fireball for.
  4. Are fire spells for wiz useless after getting thunder?

    I am lvl 25 with every spell on max possible and for me the thunder spell hits way more than all the 5 fire spells I currently own in every creature (warmors, zumas, boars, insects...). Is this intended?. Also is random teleport broken? it always teleport me back to my hometown even if I am in...
  5. Background music sound is too low

    Is just me or the background music is too low, even with headphones on max volume. The sound effects seem fine though. The bars on sound settings even though they are full, they say 10%.
  6. Conquera doesn't detect my ATI card on my laptop

    It doesn't work, also in Radeon Settings if I go to Switchable Graphics tab, the game won't appear there. But the other games do. -------------------------------------- EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED
  7. Conquera doesn't detect my ATI card on my laptop

    thanks for your reply, but that makes it even worse because the game becomes CPU powered.
  8. Conquera doesn't detect my ATI card on my laptop

    Conquera doesn't detect my ATI card on my laptop and other bugs I have a lenovo laptop with an intel and an ATI graphic card, but it only detects and use the intel, so I have very low fps. Does someone knows how to solve this problem? Other games use the ATI card no problem. Other problems...