Recent content by Sexah

  1. Sexah

    [Approved] Chronicles [AceM2] Discussion

    Any further news on a v2?
  2. Sexah

    Mir 3 WTL

    Global Mir3 autopatch now has the .wtl files. this was quick :)
  3. Sexah

    Coly Mir 3 Map Editor Repacked by Me

    Any change of a new upload? Link doesnt work for me./
  4. Sexah

    GNonline - Mir3 Euro

    GN run Mir2 pretty well. The game itself and patches are good, the support may not be brilliant but oh well. GN will also run Mir3 better than QGO and a ****e side better than iEnt, them USA Staf sounds pretty pathetic. They dont have a clue. IMO..its gone to the best company
  5. Sexah

    Nindus Server

    when is the server up?
  6. Sexah

    Nindus Server

    can some1 post a link for the .exe 2 use plz........and 1 that actually works, thanks.
  7. Sexah


    Paradox RZ 4/5 Fantasy EI Server <-- PURE FKING CLASS.
  8. Sexah

    I downloaded all mir3 clients but it wont work help plz

    Make your own Mir3 folder. Dload mir3patch.dat from there FTP and the patcher ini file whatever its called into your folder. Rename mir3patch.dat to .exe and then run it, will dload all the files for you.
  9. Sexah

    4th Class...Piccys

    Defies the point of mir2 the three heroes dont you think...stop ball****ing.
  10. Sexah

    sum oldies i made :(

    Aye i remeber them on one the RZ servers, numbe 4 maybe? 3.jpg background you took from that WOOL game heh. Either way, was alll good stuff :D.
  11. Sexah


    i cnt seem 2 c white snakes, the map in which da white snakes r in and eventmap2 any1 got links plz?????? ty
  12. Sexah


    so is it going back up then?
  13. Sexah


    true true, it's always lame i reli get in2 servers, ya kno enjoy them n stuff n they either take 3 days 2 reboot or say they have a problem with the server and takes a lifetime 2 fix it but tbh i dont think it's da only think on TheVirus's mind
  14. Sexah


    apretty long hour wudn't u say?
  15. Sexah


    can i just ask how did they cheat? it seemed impossible to get 20+ pets