Recent content by toracel1122

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  1. The Kingdom Of Heroes [Crystal] Discussion

    is it down do we need new exe or somth?
  2. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    piff ure not mistaking bro that s what i was talking about just stay in sz and maybe u get lvled if ure gm friend and kited and skills given aswell in 5 days i swear i got 1 tdb droped well 20 fs and ice storms not complaining bout those but special skills no chance it is to make u donate ya...
  3. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    as piff stated same old same old GL with ure server and c ure full of crap if u where hunting u wouldve find me on those bosses but @make is easyer
  4. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    u still didnt explain the lvling of some ppl as u can lvl only in bc and boars bdd mobs to hard wt 2 k exp or zombies u make like 1 % in there every ful rs and u can remove the gg from TM but still u kitted last rights told u never saw them hunting or lvling look at all the ppl no1 got...
  5. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    i m Karina in game i know i ll get banned but really dont care anymore strange how u sell skills in game shop and in tm with nab characters for gg s and ya like u re guild have 3 poison clouds that is like imposible to get dropped plus u traded 1 more for heaven armour how the crap u got 4...
  6. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    For everyone who wants to start this is a money graber and GM guild only Been playng from the start i barely c theyre guild even logged on and bam they come up with skills and full kits lvl 56 when he got only bc and boars to lvl on and i was camping that took me 3 days to even find...
  7. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    i just need the exe and ini s
  8. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2] still needs like 18 mins to be uploaded
  9. Mir Atlantis [Crystal M2]

    can we have the exe pls even if u wipe it i wanna get on
  10. Legend of Mir 2 - Valkyrie

    server is great can t wait to play u guys have done a very nice job good luck with it
  11. The Primordials Rise [C# Mir2]

    put the ip up pls as i got the client
  12. Legend Of Mir2 SuperNova Server

    server down xaioxin check when u wake up
  13. Edens Elite Returns!

    dont let us connect new ip ?
  14. Legend of Mir Vengeance

    can u put it up at least we have somth to do