Recent content by Turbulance

  1. Turbulance

    October/November Desktops!!

    wtf is wrong wit pokémon ?? im 18 and i still enjoy playing it on my DS personally pokémon is the best game on the DS
  2. Turbulance


    liverpool suck , manu rocks !! /DD
  3. Turbulance

    MirReborn - Beta

    so servers in testing atm ? /DD
  4. Turbulance

    TnT Server Dm2.3

    roughly a year actually
  5. Turbulance

    Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

    Re: Disturbed 1.9 still dont work :/ does this happen to all of you ?? a green dragon staff as a boot ??
  6. Turbulance

    Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

    Re: Disturbed 1.9 I ran the autopatcher but i still got wierd looking items , any 1 got a link to d/l them ?