Recent content by Veco

  1. Veco


    There's nothing to tell thats why. All started with rumors & then Chinese whispers made this grand conspiracy end of story, end of talking about it....huge sigh!!!;)
  2. Veco


    Same old script:cray:
  3. Veco


    Thats the problem you dont know because what you say in that sentence is wrong.:tongue1: Lets face it we didn't need gm's help to achieve anything on ignis and when i was leader on the ventus server & we as a guild don't need it now. We will do just fine with our own community, i would prefer...
  4. Veco


    I dont think its really going to be a problem with cheats, its people who exploit bugs & glitches in the game to excessive amounts it unbalances the game, like the quest bugs that gave people crap loads of xp some JD quest bug & the gold chest bugs were people cashed in & unbalanced the mir3...
  5. Veco


    If gms activly police the game surely they will catch them in the act & ban them? Past mir games were not really moderated well gn were absentee landlords & QGO were the cheats lal:tongue1:
  6. Veco

    Everyones Ingame Name?

    My game name is Vec level 26 war female Vecna from ignis & ventus euro servers. Hi to any of my old friends out there;)