Recent content by Yenye

  1. NPC: Upgrade Skills

    I'm very bad in script but with help i tried to make a npc for upgrade skills, asking class, skill lvl... My problem is that the npc doesn't start, here is the script but isn't finished. And i have very problems on the red zone. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [@MagLevelInt] { #if #say Este...
  2. InvalidKey in ArmadilloPath

    Help Please,i necessite help
  3. InvalidKey in ArmadilloPath

    I'm change the format for no unicode text to chinese prc Please answer i need help
  4. InvalidKey in ArmadilloPath

    Hi all, my PC is: And my problem starts when I'm put the key in the armadillo, because he says that it's incorrect. I'm used the Tryal-Rset but again the same mistake... Someone can...