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  1. Wow

    Look at how pretty this post is!
  2. Hi

    Cant sleep so first in a long time, Hi. /EE
  3. Moderation

    There’s threads of arguments n only resolved by mods moaning n locking, do moderators no longer actually moderate and keep threads ALIVE, delete un-necessary posts and inform those posing to be aware of the possible consequences. Now all lomcn mods seem to go 'oh look its gone off topic' n...
  4. boredom, aka bored part II

    A sequel thread for the original bored thread. So again im bored having to wait till 11 for my girlfriend to get home so we can go see a film which starts at 11:30pm. On another note, things get closed to easier on here now imo. :middle:
  5. bored

    :ghug: what do you guys do when your bored
  6. Hey Oldskoolers

    Thought id pop in n say hi since i aint logged on ere for over a year. Hows things all going for everyone. /EE, Matt H
  7. Intresting lol

    Lol just came for a quick look at whats been changing and its intresting to see Sean as a new admin? Either way gotta be better than Hazuki :ppunk: How we all been :bbcguy:
  8. Charlieeeeeeee We're on a bridge charlieeeeeee
  9. New style of advertising?

    Was bored so decided to make one of my ideas, comments / suggestions? :). (dont worry about the actual style) Forum display (Server Ads forum only): New Thread (Server Ads forum only): Viewing Thread (Server ads forum only): What are your guys views? Admins seem to like the idea...
  10. 60 MINs of LMFAO Taken from a forum I get e-mails from, This cracks me up.
  11. LOL {Contains Mild Language} Lol!
  12. omg he just ran in

  13. Pffft

    Who do you blame?
  14. Who do you hate the most?

    As the title says :)
  15. Mir1.9 Emu -> SQL

    I just thought that id post my progress so far with trying to get these files running sql, i currently have the account details all stored/retrieved in sql and last night i managed to make it read the items, magic and monster dbs in SQL, my main aim is to get the characters into sql but that is...
  16. L0rd of teh Ringz0r

    L0rd of teh Ringz0r L0rd of teh Ringz0r F3ll0wsh1p of teh R1ng [At Bilbo's 111th Birthday] Merry: "Omg, I pwn" Pippin: "Sif, I pwn" **Rocket goes off Gandalf: "Pwned!" Bilbo: "This = shiz, bai foos" Bilbo has left the server Frodo: "***!?" [later, in Bag End] Gandalf: "Give teh...
  17. LOM2 -> Security

    Ok basicly, ive disabled the ingame account registration, and instead replaced it with an online web account creation, since the username can be broken into with charname and id, i thought of a few things of which i can do to make it more secure, i would like your view on which would be best...
  18. My New Sig - Admins dont read ta

    Who likes my new sig? Buying software: £43 (just a random number dont pay off course :P) Developing a crap sig: 5minutes, Creating text taking the piss, Priceless!
  19. Atom has to do it too

    Whatever someone does atom has to do it too, but we have the culprets this time!
  20. 0332

    You stupid noobs stop copying my time thingy i started it n ur just spoiling it, im talking to beachy on lomcn then dont know what im doing. :gfrea: