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  1. Zircon Taral XE

    i mean 3 pet max
  2. Zircon Taral XE

    after reboot pc, then i can sommon pet max(2 max at this time), then after pet expire, sometimes only summon 1 pet, later cant even summon any pets
  3. Zircon Taral XE

    play summoner to lvl 25, summon pet seem to be buggy, cant sommon pet max , sometimes cant even summon any pets after pet expire
  4. Zircon Taral XE

    Thank you, downloading it now, see you ingame
  5. Zircon Taral XE

    can i try beta game?
  6. Zircon Taral XE

    PTR?, been playing pheonix XE, is it the same? summoner in Xe dont seem to have any attack skill, only 5 summon pet to do all attack, am i doing someone wrong?
  7. Zircon Taral XE

    where to try?
  8. Zircon Taral XE

    is Taral XE ready to play?
  9. Zircon Taral XE

    where do i sign up?
  10. Zircon Ben's Mir3 - Discussion

    how do you unlock shaman char?
  11. Zircon LoveMir - No Donation Server - Discussion

    waiting for 2021 love server rebirth:sleep:(y)
  12. Zircon LoveMir - No Donation Server - Discussion

    waiting for rebirth of love server:sleep:
  13. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    this version works (English) Full Client Link address 1 :
  14. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    1st eden game got disconnected (wrong version) then i download (190505 English Client.exe + Update.exe ) after install it , ran eden, then i got 1window screen with simillar but different logon screen,after logon, then window screen went black, pc harddrive not loading anything, it stay bland...
  15. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    what is instance system? {Day of week events,}? lots of announce/message i think (white background with blue message in korean.), i dont understand it, please have server /GM announce in english too.
  16. Zircon Eden Server [Discussion]

    comm shop not all in english also comm shop search not working char name, guild,not in english, Quest not all in english, mail sender not in english. otherwise its playable, is there summon skeleton skill books?
  17. Zircon InsanityMir3 Discussion

    maybe increase empowered explosive talisman+empowered evil slayer to mass hit on every attack,(not every 2nd hit) or make demonic pet do mass attack or when strength is apply, either pet improved or attack improved or both, up to players input.
  18. mithrandir mir 3.55

    theres no such thing as free luncher, :P
  19. [300] 3.55.

    Re: Upcoming [300] 3.55. it the second Tuesday of next week (J/K)