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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Any new upcoming servers

    Hey is there any new upcoming servers? Mir Chronicles was a bit of a flop for me with the drops / cheating / drama / lvling brick wall.
  2. Mir server populations

    Been away from mir for 2-3 year, coming back looking for a server to play on. Could someone post a list of the current servers, low/high rate, how long its been online and the average usercount. Thanks a lot
  3. User Count current Servers (march)

    Can any1 post some of the current mir 2 servers usercounts? Im coming from Mir2 USA which is closing and looking for a populated server
  4. Elysian

    Since the advertisement post is locked, And the Elysian's own forum every post gets deleted or locked by 12 year old admins, Ill post what I thought of the server while it was up. First impression: Seemed like a pretty cool server, quite popular and hailed as the next new long term server...
  5. Ragezone High Rate

    Has any1 used mentals 1.9 files which he released and attempted to make a high rate RZ 2.3 ? (or 1.9?) In my opinion ragezone high rate was without a doubt THE best private server i ever played, with the slaves, the diva's, etc etc.
  6. Fresh start any1?

    Hey well for anyone who used to know me i played a few servers on a few chars called Kaza / Kazababy. Been out of the mir scene for a while and im thinking of starting again on 1 of the servers and looking for some1 / few people to team up with, wiz / tao, war / tao combination etc. Main...
  7. Evil Mir 2.3 How to Connect

    Not Official Posting, just to make people aware and save them reading through 13 pages of the other thread & until Server Ad thread is approved. Name: Evil Mir 2.3 GM: daydie Exp: Custom (x100) Caves: All custom leveling caves and bosses Start Level: 22 Pets: Custom Kits: Custom Spells: All...
  8. Evil Mir 2.3 How to Connect

    Not Official Posting, just to make people aware and save them reading through 13 pages of the other thread & until Server Ad thread is approved. Name: Evil Mir 2.3 GM: daydie Exp: Custom (x100) Caves: All custom leveling caves and bosses Start Level: 22 Pets: Custom Kits: Custom Spells: All...