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  1. FourHeroes [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: FourHeroes (HighRate) [2.6+] I'd report him to the police.
  2. FourHeroes [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: FourHeroes (HighRate) [2.6+] Just seen it >.< Who is the guy? google just comes up with some hacker that mostly hacks arabic sites?
  3. Project69 [2.3] Discussion

    Re: Project69 [2.3] The 20-30 players that still played it regularly seem a decent lot, hope they find a server just as fun to them.
  4. FourHeroes [2.6+] Discussion

    Re: FourHeroes (HighRate) [2.6+] Looking forward to the speed cap software getting installed, the last few months a certain few have been using sic's "tweaks" its just been silly. Will be fun seeing who is good on a level playing field.
  5. Cataclysm !

    Finding it fun, archeology is fun.. got 2 mounts off it upto now. Would love that epic wep from it.
  6. Mir Rebirth 2.3 !

    Corrupt server, not for me. GL with it anyway.
  7. [Approved] Elysian Server

    Pob makes me laugh, he seems ok lately though. Server seems alot better now too.
  8. Official - Measures

    People ingame saying he's using ukash as staff can't do anything about that. He's got it sorted because people wanted the bot feature for the new event.
  9. Official - Measures

    Sorry for double post but can somebody please explain how mirmyth works? it would be good to forward the details so it would be somewhere for the staff to start. Do people that use mirmyth connect to the mirmyth owners server who edits the packets then your connection is forwarded to the mir...
  10. Official - Measures

    Its a really stupid event as the server already has a major bot problem, theres so many that use mirmyth and bot to fund their main char as drop rates are really low... you have to pay ££$$ to get proper drop rates. Norm/legit players struggle to make enough gold to pay for pots as drops are so...
  11. Official - Measures

    The main problem is mirmyth, I really wish they could sort it.. its really got out of hand. Staff say they don't know how to block it & are appealing for some help regarding it. They say they would block it if they knew how but simply don't know enough about it. Is there a simple way to block it?
  12. Official - Measures

    Its funny they say they was aiming this offer at normal players rather than server owners.. it begs the question to why so much secrecy if thats the case. Its all a bit underhand really, not very proffesional at all. That new GM is alot like lapta.. desperate.
  13. Official - Measures

    Been offered a lvl 70 char with a item set for that level. Was originally offered a lvl 50 but said no ty and requested higher, everyone should try the same. Might try get them to up the offer to 85 as they seem very desperate. When negotiating.. make sure you put that you intend to buy lots of...
  14. Official - Measures

    They just want to milk all the potcash sales they can.. especially with christmas coming up. I doubt they will even continue with it much after that.. The main GM for mir.. GMforge even said he hates the game and he hardly ever posts anymore lol.
  15. Official - Measures

    Gamepot GM posted on official: Hello, Let me make this clear so everyone is not lost. Yes, this was an official e-mail, however nothing has been confirmed or changed. We have not given out any levels or have not given out any items. Of course, there are high rate servers and we are not...
  16. Official - Measures

    Its real, i've had email from staff confirming it.
  17. Elysian LIVE today?

    Agreed, I just cba anymore with it.. gm corruptness is probally the main thing spoiling it for me. I don't really mind server wipes.. but when norm players are logging on gm accounts and using gm mode to get revenge for being pked.. it highlights major problems with server staff. Would be best...
  18. Elysian

    Lmao rams a mod, no wonder its in such a mess. He will never be trustworthy or honest enough to be part of a team.
  19. New Server Underway...

    Really good work, good luck with the rest :thumbup1:
  20. FromHell 2.3 med rate.

    The guild im in on mir 3 is looking for a decent mir2 server to play for a bit, atleast 25 of us would give this server a try im sure. GL with getting it sorted.