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  1. Creating a GM command

    Hey I need help from some experts please. I'm looking to create a new GM command that will allow me to AddNameList and DelNameList for my Global shouter, so I can issue a Global shouter Ban in Game with out having to log onto the server and add or take out the name manually. how do I get the...
  2. Does anybody know how to fix HolyDeva?

    There must be a way to Make Holy Deva follow the Tao master Exactly Like Mirroring. there's gotta be a way to do it. Any pros know? What RACE or RACEIMG I should be using?
  3. Cant bind with string

    613 String 45 0 1 0 1 0 849 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 50 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 String
  4. Question for the pros - Making a Cave Special

    if I have to do OnkillMob then I'd have to have a bunch of script like #IF RANDOM cause I was thinking of Drops like the DRop files so everything even pots would go into ur bag. Map Quest seems doable but just wondering how to set that up. I know Stuff Like the RedMoon Sword quest is done...
  5. Question for the pros - Making a Cave Special

    Hey guys I'm trying to find info on this, it's pretty rare. But, I'm looking to make a Certain CAVE so that No drops happen on the floor But the drops go directly into your bag. Is there any way to make the drops go directly into your bag, if you set it up for 1 perticular cave (like if you...
  6. Cant bind with string

    This is what should be in your BindList.txt File Eg. 30 (HP)SmallDrugBundle 30 = The FLD_ID # of the SmallDrug (potion) and it will require 6 of them the Item name (HP)SmallDrugBundle is the Result of the Said Bundled Items. YOU SHOULD NOTICE - I have a GreyPoisonBundle and...
  7. Need help with the TBL_MAGIC - Definitive answers please

    I just figured out that FLD_Spell + FLD_DefSpell = Total MP Consumed @ level 3 of the spell casted.
  8. Need help with the TBL_MAGIC - Definitive answers please

    Nobody has figured out the magics fields??
  9. Hallucination ??

    Can't find any information on fixing Hallucination. atm Hallu is only working if you are +1 level on the mobs. it SHOULD be working if you are -1 level so a lvl 49 tao should be able to Hallu A Crystal Spider or a ZumaGuardian (both lvl 50 mobs) but they can't until the taoist is lvl 51...
  10. [2.6]Battle Ground Mobs?

    you had to add BATTLEGROUND to the Mapinfo not battlefield. in the monster db there was a FLD_BGTELE you could set to 1 or 0
  11. Need help with the TBL_MAGIC - Definitive answers please

    Hey guys, I been searching the forums but nobody seems to have 100% conclusive answers about the Magic DB. And I'm hoping to get a good solid answer from the pros here. I'm using TD's 2.3 Server files What I'm looking for is how to control the Spells Damage from level 0 to 3 also how Much MP...
  12. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    So if I put it like this with the breaks? [@Login] #IF #ACT Var Integer Global ItemCount 0 LoadVar Global ItemCount ../QuestDiary/Variables/Integral.txt BREAK #IF ISADMIN #ACT LINEMSG 0 "GameMaster <$USERNAME> has logged on" BREAK or do I put it with out the breaks? [@Login] #IF #ACT Var...
  13. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    Okay Preacher, I fixed the [@login] I had two of them How can I add back the function I had before? I had this [@login] #IF CHECK [999] 1 #ACT LINEMSG 3 " - a GameMaster has logged on" Break is there any way to add that back on? cause I want people to know when GM's are on.
  14. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    I had those errors after I've created the Variables Folder and inside that folder I created the Integral.txt file Is there anything Else you can think of? Do I have to put anything inside the integral file? maybe Pumpkin 0 or something??
  15. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    Also I put the Script to collect only 50 items from me as a test instead of 500.
  16. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    Here's the error I get on each pumpkin handed in. [3/23/2009 2:15:22 AM] [Npc Condition Error] Cmd:CHECKVAR NPC:CaveNPC Map:0 (328:261) Param1:Global Param2:ItemCount Param3:> Param4:49 Param5: [3/23/2009 2:15:24 AM] [Npc Condition Error] Cmd:CHECKVAR NPC:CaveNPC Map:0 (328:261) Param1:Global...
  17. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    I set it up as you shown here but, the m2server kept giving me errors every time I handed in a pumpkin.
  18. 2.3 TD files - HARD Question - NPC Collections

    Hey everybody, this is a HARD ONE (well for me it is) I can't seem to find any info on making a special NPC. the NPC will Collect a certain item, from any player, and after the NPC gets a count of 500 of the items it will Unlock a doorway permanantly. Kinda like Euro when they did the pumpkin...
  19. Trust Merchant problem

    Isn't there an item sell list? or something that I need to enable or disable certain items to sell??? instead of making the item FLD_CANSELL 0
  20. Trust Merchant problem

    I've searched the forum but there's nothing I've seen to help me with the problems I got so far. 1). Does anybody know what GETAUCTION ## to use for the Set Items option atm there's no List popping up on it at all. eg. WhiteGoldShoes, RedJadeBrace etc.. 2). ummm.. also How do I Make an item...