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  1. [Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

    Great idea with the top 100 ranking etc. I made some friends even from rivals guild on chronicles and had a bit of friendly banter if i had logged in and saw him 10% ahead of me I would be a lot more motivated to catch up
  2. im back to play mir3 after 10 years!

    most stable mir 3 popular would be zentaur server. i struggled to get into it myself after having issues with patchs/ images but im sure worth it once u get going! enjoy
  3. Hellserver

    hey all, am downloadin the full client now, avnt played mir for a while so am hoping this server will be good enough to get me back into all the action!! anyone kno roughley the average usercount? had a look on the forums an it seems there some decent activity! oh well ill cyas all on there...