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smoochy boys on tour
  1. GetMultiServerAddrPort Fail..

    GetMultiServerAddrPort Fail.. GetMultiServerAddrPort Fail.. GetMultiServerAddrPort Fail.. What's problem?
  2. Castle Wall problem!

    The MainDoor shows blood, can smash; But, The LeftWall doesn't show blood, can't smash; The CenterWall doesn't show blood, can't smash; The RightWall doesn't show blood, can't smash; If define in the SabukW.txt document: " LeftWallHP=0 CenterWallHP=0 RightWallHP=0 " get to game again in can...
  3. I like the DM2 exe's by thedeath

    I like the DM2 exe's by thedeath , now,meet a problem:The dbserver can't use other languages out of English while establish new character, we need dbserver to support other languages very much, so to bother your, hope your can re-edit and translate a dbserver.exe document that supports other...
  4. Cannot Guild Storage?

    Cannot guild storage? ;----- (@guildstorage @guildgetback) %100 +30 +3 +25 [@main] #SAY Hello. What do you want to guild store?\ \ GuildStorage <GStorage/@guildstorage>\ GuildStorage <GGetback/@guildgetback>\ \ <Exit/@exit> [@guildstorage] You have currently stored <$GUILDSAVEITEM> items.\...
  5. Mir2 New Client Files