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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Elise

    Bringing mir to the xbox

    Deserves a PHD if you can accomplish it. Good luck!
  2. Elise

    [MIR2] - [ReTRoN V2] - [HighRate] - [2.3]

    o.0 gunna check it out.
  3. Elise

    [Alien] [Mir 2.3] [Med Stats] [High EXP] - [Long Term Fun]

    Would seem he has logged and is not proveing to be the tit you are, sat here like a lost cause. The server will be up when it`s up. Why don`t you go out for 30 minutes and come back and check later? I Love Trans X X or & JayZ Seriously get a life :agree:
  4. Elise

    Graphic Folders

    You can delete the crap weapons in your Graphics folder and rename them with your new Wil and Wix, so say weapon 110 was crap in your current folder you delete that and rename your new Wil and Wix 110. If this makes sense.
  5. Elise


    Just sounds to me that your taking to long to create your account and lagging out.
  6. Elise

    MirReborn - Beta - 30/11/08

    Agreed. Unstable obviously.
  7. Elise

    Mir Armour Wings

    Your just useing the wrong image number. It depends what item patch you have but male should be imgindex 595 female imgindex 605
  8. Elise

    Group KillMonRate

    Is there an NPC command for this? Or is there some other way you can do this? Thanks XxXEliseXxX
  9. Elise

    Mir2 World, The New Beginning!

    As far as i`m aware it`s not "YOURS", Mir2World created this map himself as you would of known if you read the thread. /XxXEliseXxX
  10. Elise

    What Server You like The Best ?

    lol at your spelling :P ReTRoN for me tbh, it`s fun, there is always something to do as there is like 50 odd lords, many caves, fights, high rate stats, and cash is actually useful as there is a genuine market. You should check this out if you haven`t already, it`s easy to get to a respectable...
  11. Elise

    ProjectX2.3 [MED-HIGH]

    This server is terrible and rushed, i spoke to John myself and he seemed very aggresive in his replies. /Elise
  12. Elise

    New Official Objects

    another nice release, I will use this also when i have time to make a map lol :P i have some maps i cant see from china :P maybe this mite be them, ill have a look and post if it is.
  13. Elise

    Sora 2.3

    Hope your server does well, All the best buddy
  14. Elise

    Mir2 World, The New Beginning!

    One boss out of a few i have which other servers dont have: Dont wanna show all, Will spoil the fun!
  15. Elise

    New Monsters

    As i said beofre im not the Owner of this Account! Who ask you for your opinion on my server name?, Nobody! You will soon here of it :) I am still awating my account to be activated, I am using a friends untill...
  16. Elise

    Mir2 World, The New Beginning!

    back on to the subject :P lol Servers doing good, Im adding more leveling caves, Sets and GameGold features as we speak. FFA event (last man standing) is now working, Auto :)
  17. Elise

    New Monsters

    Aprichate bud, Gonner use in mir2 world +rep
  18. Elise

    New Mobs

    are you going to release or just tease,
  19. Elise

    Robot not working.

    i deleted all in robot.txt file and added System AutoRunRobot and its fine.
  20. Elise

    [help] Invisibility mode

    when u log in, put in Q-Function [@logon] #IF IFADMIN #ACT gmexecute invisable self some thing like tht, Bit busy atm