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  1. Stratz

    DeadZone (HighRate)

    no you don't I downloaded it and I'm not a member. Server looks fun to play =)
  2. Stratz

    character screen problem./

    It seems to be only me since everyone else is playing on the servers. I download the clients, patches, exe, blah blah. create my account on the server, log in... at the character screen I click new character. Type in my name, class, gender, then click ok and nothing happens. It closes out the...
  3. Stratz

    DeadZone (HighRate)

    Links are working Thanks =) However I'm still having the problem logging into the server, getting to the character screen. Try making a new character and it not showing up and stuck with a 3 blank character slots....... My internet isn't lagging cause I have msn, and internet explorer still up...
  4. Stratz

    DeadZone (HighRate)

    can't seem to make a new character and log in... seems to freeze up at that point. =| anyone else getting this problem??
  5. Stratz

    DeadZone (HighRate)

    OMG I was 5 minutes away from finishing lol!
  6. Stratz

    DeadZone (HighRate)

    I'm getting a download error around 15% everytime I try to download the client... says "unable to download DeadZoneClient(no%20wav).rar from The conecction with the server was reset" nvm I got it... Sorry dumb moment. Nevermind I don't know what I'm doing. I seem to not be able...
  7. Stratz

    DeadZone (HighRate)

    what do you mean server theif & furian how do I get your mir2.exe to work for my computer? it's changing the exe to a notepad that I can't open. I tried asking in your server ad but everyone ignored it.
  8. Stratz

    anyn good servers?

    How do I do that??
  9. Stratz

    FurianMir V2 - 2.3 - High Rate ( LIVE )

    Hey, I tried downloading the full client and extracting it but the mir2.exe is getting changed to a notepad looking thing.. instead of being the normal mir2.exe. Anybody know what to do to fix the problem? thanks
  10. Stratz

    anyn good servers?

    No it downloads and is in the file but my laptop seems to change it to like a notepad looking icon instead of the normal mir.exe icon........ This is stupid why do laptops ****ed everyhting up =|
  11. Stratz

    anyn good servers?

    well I got a problem right now..... I installed and extracted but now it's not giving me the exe......
  12. Stratz

    anyn good servers?

    I'm actually downloading the client for that right now hahaha. I'm at 62% right now so hopefully I'll be done with it soon so I can test it out before the weekend.
  13. Stratz

    anyn good servers?

    Hey everybody, I took a quite a long break from mir but now I am back. Are there any server recommendations to play? :P
  14. Stratz

    MirReborn The Three Heroes

    Yes September 11th is a day of the year. LOL Try to grow up my friend and learn a new insult. You act like your a 5 year old little brat.
  15. Stratz

    MirReborn The Three Heroes

    to be honest your all retarded. every single person really on this thread making flames against him say the exact same thing in game to people. "Get a life" "Your on 24/7" "NERD" lol. We all play the exact same game. We all put times in our lives for the exact same game. So how can one insult...
  16. Stratz

    ~ MirOutcasts ~ 2.3 ~

    Sounds good :) Can't wait to try it out and kill all those who are against me :)
  17. Stratz

    DragonMir 2.3

    Highrates server seem to do just as bad so why arent they crap? I'll give it a shot. I like lowrate servers. :)
  18. Stratz

    Mir Rebirth 2.3 !

    The server's down and dead, Steve tried to have killa buy it but no way. Also how you gonna just cry bout me and killa but you had Killer who donated **** tons, speed hacked, anti para hacked, had wizzy and tao spells, plus others who donated also. So why just me and him? Also server was dead...
  19. Stratz

    Mir Rebirth 2.3 !

    There is an amazing maze on the server. Everyone should go check it out.
  20. Stratz

    EGYMIR Server 1.9 -Online-

    I live in Florida. How am i lagging so hardcore yet I play on these servers in romania or whever and I don't get 1 bit of lag?