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  1. my ftp

    like lomcns i want to set up an ftp is this sumthing that means sum1 can download files from ure pc through your ip address,a s if its a server if so does any 1 know how i can set it up i want to host the ei server files that work straight out the box any hlp would b good just hope its...
  2. could sum1 tell me wats wrong with this npc?

    [@Main] #IF check [1070] 1 #SAY You've already had some items from me. Be gone. \ <Exit/@Exit> \\ #ELSESAY Hello <$USERNAME>. Welcome to the Cerebro Server! \ I have some starter items for you.] <Thanks/@List1> [@list1] Please could you tell me what class you \ are in order to speed up my job?]...
  3. changing experience

    its possible to change the experience using a code which multiplies it by a number so to get 5 times exp u type in sumthing ive tried it but the code i was given didnt work is there actually a way of increasing exp without having to increase each ammount of exp in the table manually?
  4. server working but

    when i try to put it live and change all ips to mine the login svr doesnt change even tho ic hanged in ip which means game dont work y would this b?
  5. What could this mean?

    ready to load ini file.. !setup.txt loaded.. Connected to common database. loading StdItem.DB... StdItem.DB loaded. loading MiniMap.txt... MiniMap information loaded. loading MapFiles... Mapfile loaded. loading Monster.DB... Monster.DB loaded. loading Magic.DB... Magic.DB loaded. loading...
  6. lil help if n e 1 knows wat i should do

    i installed all the server fiels and set up sql and everything then i open all the programs but when i get to eiserver it dont run vey smoothly it opens up but says ready to load ini file.. !setup.txt loaded.. Read Emergency Map : [0] 459,261 starttimer exception... i copied maps into the...