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  1. [CD3.55] It is possible change tao healing value

    Hello! Basically what title says. It is possible to change tao's healing value from 30 for higher numbers? any thoughts?
  2. [Holley] English speaker for Moderator/GM purposes

    Hello guys. We are a small team of 2 people (currently) working 24/7 in a new Holley server and we need a 3rd GameMaster for moderation purposes. If you know about server-making or related, we're open to let him help with server scripting aswell. Server is still not up but we're working really...
  3. [CD3.55] Need help with Top Levels NPC

    I tried it a lot of times, but its not working. When I click my NPC which is supposed to show me the top levels/richs/etcetera, it just says nothing. I've been looking for the issue for more than 2 hours and can't find it by myself, so I had to appeal to LOMCN. Any idea guys? The script that...
  4. [CD3.55] Translate "Gold Acquired" message

    Hey guys. (the red line) I thought that this chinese sentence was in the client side, but I tried many times searching there and didn't able to find / translate it. Any idea about where it can be located? Or well, if there is an option to disable it can be a...
  5. [CD3.55] Mud3 English version needed

    Hey guys I've been looking an English files for CruelDragon 3.55 but couldn't be able to found anything interesting. I downloaded the files from 3.55Working in kaorimir's website but all of them where in korean/chinese. If anyone has the English mud3 folder it would be awesome to share the...
  6. Help with any bugs in CD 3.55

    Hello again LOMCN! I need experienced help: I started to set-up my server on NET (problem of ips solved in the another post) and I have some doubts, so I start: My CD appears a little bugged because the Blue screen of the .exe isn't centered on the screen: is this a problem? the server runs...
  7. Help with Not ready (ip) CD (I think)

    Hello, I tested my local server for one or two days and appears to work fine (in local and network) but the problem starts when I try to change the ip's (same as the lomcn forum tutorial). All the Gates appear to be OK but the CruelDragon leaves an error, here the log of CD: -CDLOG- ready to...