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  1. EGYMIR Server 1.9 -Online-

    hmmm then it has nothing to do with windows 7... . what type of graphics card do you have? it doesnt make much sence but i had a cheap acer laptop that didnt even have a designated graphics card and it played the game just fine running on win 7. but i bought a laptop that had nivdia 1 Gb...
  2. EGYMIR Server 1.9 -Online-

    OK so my friend told me about this possibility: The problem is most likely that the 1.9 files were made to run on 32 bit operating systems. so anyone running a 64 bit windows 7 will have lag. So try getting a hold of 32 bit OS. OR maybe... Emperor could possibly change the coding to make the...
  3. EGYMIR Server 1.9 -Online-

    i got rid of the anti virus program. and i will try re-downloading everything over night. where do i need to extract the files? (does it matter?)
  4. EGYMIR Server 1.9 -Online-

    I appreciate your help, but there still seems to be a problem. I get to the red screen where it asks me to choose a server. (BTW) everything else is in chinese or something.. Anyways I pick the server click the button next and it goes to a black screen with a text box in chinese and i have to...
  5. EGYMIR Server 1.9 -Online-

    I have downloaded the full client and extracted it and when i click the exe to play my screen blinks and the game never loads. Also avg is saying that the exe is a trojan horse. I am on windows 7, and i know some other people have complained about lag with windows 7, but I can't even get the...