Search results

  1. Anyone want to buy any gold?

    lol I didnt look at the year lol
  2. Anyone want to buy any gold?

    would you consider taking £40
  3. Mir2 Priv Server's & the LAW?

    I talked to gamepot when usa mir was up and they told me that you could only be sued by wemade if you made the game pay to play and that was in fact the reason that they didnt make it pay to play and sold potcash instead.
  4. A nostalgic server?

    i agree with dimebag guild hunts were what made mir fun
  5. Heroes looking for decent mir2 low rate server

    im starting a low rate euro clone its currently in planning stages but ill post on here when it goes live
  6. Looking for low rate server to join!

    were currently setting up a low rate euro mir clone ill post on here when its up and running