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smoochy boys on tour
  1. TGAV2 (StarLite) Coming Soon

    I would hazard a guess that they have both gone AFK. They implemented the hotfixes and the server came back up, it seems to crash after about 60 seconds, neither of them are online on LOMCN.
  2. TGAV2 (StarLite) Coming Soon

    You replied to "Takes 20secs to write a post though, goes a long way.." with so does patience, your sentence made so sense whatsoever.
  3. TGAV2 (StarLite) Coming Soon

    doesn't even make sense
  4. TGAV2 (StarLite) Coming Soon

    pm'ed em both i guess they are afk
  5. TGAV2 (StarLite) Coming Soon

    Nearly 60