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  1. RAM and CPU usage on a bog standard server?

    Well the Koreans ran a dual server at 1.3ghz each, you know how many they held ;). You'd be pretty high up with your server with stats like those. It all really depends on the databits you can send to and from the server.
  2. How do i make....

    StartPoint.txt i think, change the co ords there or add them and you should TT there.
  3. Character Creation Error On My server:

    Sorry, i apologize i didn't read the post correctly.
  4. Wots the WORST server if all time?

    LOMCS. Soozu
  5. BB cutting off after 20-25 mins

    AOL ? Reliable ? My god, i wouldn't believe anyone would say that .. i think we need to sit you down and show the path of intelligence :P Soozu
  6. BB cutting off after 20-25 mins

    The problem could lie with BT, if you live near manchester you could experience some trouble as one of there main cable lines caught fire. Or, you could be having what i'm having .. BT wish to save money and will d/c anyone they see fit. Soozu
  7. Magic Question

    Unless your a hexing god, you've got no chance of having 3 pets (especially those 3). Soozu
  8. k i got server file 1.7 but client 1.4

    Klaw, you lost me :P Dazman, SQL files are from microsoft .. MSSQL is what you need to run Mir3, although it can be a torrid thing to download :P Soozu
  9. k i got server file 1.7 but client 1.4

    Yeah, rub it in Klaw :P The best we can could do is create new files, so far .. i know only of one person who is starting to take this changelle up. Soozu
  10. k i got server file 1.7 but client 1.4

    @dazman, New LoM2 Server Files are ran on SQL :P Soozu
  11. k i got server file 1.7 but client 1.4

    Well answer these questions a three: Do you need SQL to run them ? Whats the database in ? Whats in the magic skills database ? Soozu
  12. k i got server file 1.7 but client 1.4

    FilePlanet, and i doubt you have the 1.7 Server files O_O Soozu
  13. Human Mobs wont tame

    sure your level is above the level of the human playing mob ? Soozu
  14. Age of Empires 2: The conquerors expansion

    I've got it, i love it ^_^ :P Dunno about going online though, n00bs just whapp in the cheats >_< Soozu
  15. Para

    I dont think there is, anyway .. wearing more ACC items increases para :) (or should :P) Soozu
  16. how do i change the name of Sabukwall

    I have never ever hex'd the SabukWall name, i've used the sabukw.txt file and changed it from there ... Soozu
  17. Artificial Server : Wittins Creation

    lol, thats quite a way of doing it. Was hoping he had the M2Server source code, ahh well. I take off my hate to anyone who's has the actual time and resources (and it must of taken a lot) to actually do that. Soozu (lol, whoops edited)
  18. Artificial Server : Wittins Creation

    Does the boots, belts and stones actually effect the overall stats ? or is that just for show ? Because if i'm right, he would of needed the M2Server source code to create a new item space e.g. Stone etc, wouldnt he ? Soozu
  19. look at this

    Thats quite a nice feature, i've been complaining for something like this for a while now :P Question is, is the HP reducing factor being shown by the EI client or MirLander ? Soozu
  20. Shape

    Thanks Shard, Items dont have a shape .. just leave it as 0 (i hope thats right) Soozu Shard, did you play official mir with the character MooMoo ?!? or is that just a random title?