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  1. Launcher Problem

    Ok well i figured out something out, so im gonna let it be known here, because people were trying to help me. this is what i did.. Download virtual Pc and install windows xp on a different partition lol problem solved. now all i need is a server to play. Not one that has changed the game so...
  2. Launcher Problem

    still no ideas? lol, im back wanting to play mir again lol and still cant
  3. Launcher Problem

    Maybe this might help. Faulting application Mir3.exe, version, time stamp 0x00000000, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp 0x4549bdc9, exception code 0xc0000409, fault offset 0x00008c32, process id 0x1294, application start time 0x01c89b765a86ab16. This is...
  4. Launcher Problem

    hello, its been a while but im back at it, trying to fix it...nobody can stay away from mir for that long :P ok, i am running Vista 32 bit ... *phew* the error i get is...."The application failed to initialize properly.(0xc0000005)" I turned off my firewall, restarted my computer..and still...
  5. Launcher Problem

    i have come to the conclusion, it is not the launcher, it is the Mir3.exe, mir will not run.. i have played Illusion server, the launcher for illusion does work for me, but the mir3.exe is what closes. any ideas why my mir3.exe will not run, launcher or not?
  6. Launcher Problem

    well, its been a while..and now i am getting that problem with almost every game i try and run, the only thing is the other games will work for a bit before the error pops up. its looking like its def a windows problem. i share this computer, and i did not buy it so i cant put in a diff OS, the...
  7. Launcher Problem

    kmooonn, there has to be something i can do? anyone? ps. im not tryina spam, this is my last post on this
  8. Launcher Problem

    if i was paying for something, and it did this too me, man id make my thoughts known. so for this problem, i am pretty much screwed right?
  9. Launcher Problem

    damit, so there is no alternate way to run mir3? this is nuts, and its not like i have any one i can complain to, its a p server lol, damn....
  10. Launcher Problem

    thanks im gonna try that, also, is there a way to launch mir without using a launcher?
  11. Launcher Problem

    no question is a silly question, im going crazy right now to get this working. i have the illusion launcher which works but i dont know how to configure it to run with other servers. and yes it is set to xp, kinda stupid how on vista, there is no vista there any ideas are helpful, thanks
  12. Launcher Problem

    thats what i get, i cant seem to figure it out. is there a way to run the exe without using the launcher? kinda like the old servers where you just change the IP and stuff.
  13. Launcher Problem

    well, this problem has nothing to do with running a server, its about playing them. i have been playing a server for a while now without problems, but all of a sudden today i went to click the launcher and i got "Chinease symbols" has stopped working error. everytime i try and open the...
  14. freezin :(

    i got a little bit further lol...i can walk now..but it blinks..n freeze periodically for a few ne ideas ne one plz lol ?
  15. freezin :(

    3 months ago i got my comp back from the shop, i had gottin it formatted and a new video card..went from a ati 32 to a g force 4...before i put it in i used to play EI all the time...n now that i have it back..3 months pass n i decided to play EI i install it..patch it.make a...
  16. just black :(

    no matter what server i log into i cant see the backround properly at start when i log in..but i can log in by pressin enter..then it goes to char screen..n thats where its black again..but the main choices r still there..just no backround..and then when it comes to notice..again its all...