Search results

  1. sony w850i

    try use different sim card if same happens then it could be your phone....
  2. Congratulations MILO

    Im not leo /JohnBarny at mates house
  3. Looking for a Server Team!

    lvl 26 start 10-20x exp not to many new items just enough most clasic lvling places and a few new ones.
  4. need a host+db maker >.<

    mich lol let him do db's i aint fussed, ne how me and Kirby gonna put Circ back up hopefully if we get enough people on we will keep up for a long time.
  5. Judgement

    no i sed no it isnt gonna be fair but then u wha gonna start so i thought might well try help.
  6. Judgement

    This was a good server till that last event, that event was absolutely stupid how is a guild with only 2 lvl 40+'s only one has a para and noone has a pro surposed to take on a guild with 5 lvl 40+'s 2 with paras and 2 with pros. I woudnt complain if it was for fun but no its for Mega and i meen...
  7. Mir Phoenix Server

    Thinx - 40 tao Kirby - 33 warr Masterwizzy - 33 wizz Slimjim - 30 tao Ria - 29 wizz Spider1-31 warr Phinx - 24 wizz Specop- 24 wizz Renner - 26 warr Razzar - 34 wizz CBA to list rest
  8. Project69 introduce: MirPVP

    checked your post count once in a while? btw scorps done more for the private mir community then you ever will so stfu. /JohnBarny
  9. i will host (1 prob though)

    U can set up 2 differents ways by DMZ (very dangerous likely to get hacked so i wouldnt do it) or Port forward (evryone can connect to server except for people whos connection run off the router. So all around theres noway to sort soz. /JohnBarny
  10. Judgement server

    says 16 people are connected then timeout Judgement -- Players: 16 -- Status: Timeout
  11. Judgement Server Client

    works for me btw Inthebeginning server uses the same exe
  12. Mir3 EI Europe due to Release? Date

    YoYoYo for a start TF dont have owt to do with the server no one thinks they are millionaires, QGO are the ones that own the server the are going to pay TF to make and host a forum for them they are real because i live near them also i might be working for them :). And as for why would you pay...
  13. Help Please .... Keyboard problem

    lmao thats easy to have spilt summat in it eg. pop....if so user a hair dryer or you key is jammed....get a knife and flick the key out and blow....but it is most likey pop happend to mine...m8 spilt **** on it and didnt tell me >.< /johnbarny
  14. Zelda

    ocarnia of time is best game on 64 and in tht time majours mask was gd with all the new features but did lack a few things :( new 1 on gc winwaker watever it called lol. it looked gd but wen i got on it was a let down till i got to the end of it. it started to get better then
  15. error

    i keep getting a error everytime i come on lomcn for a bit called runtime error any1 know how to stop runtime error c++ ????
  16. Mir3 account

    yea i tryed tht but it didnt work any1 got a EIaccount maker????
  17. Zelda

    any1 here played zelda??
  18. Mir3 account

    how do i make a mir3 account can any1 tell me???
  19. Mir 1.4!!

    any1 got mir 1.4???????