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  1. The_Mafia

    :bbcguy: :bbcguy: :blam: :blam: lal pwned fubu on most p servs the nab
  2. Nemesis-Online

    is it still down? frgth
  3. InSaNe Online!

    servers down lol gtgbhgfg
  4. InSaNe Online!

    need new pets mayb upgrade insane kit well atleast ring and loads more cba postin coz all im doin ingame is killin ec mtk em n insane crap gets borin:middle:
  5. InSaNe Online!

    Server Down? still gthggthgf
  6. InSaNe Online!

    wont play if 1.9 tbh lal gtjnjvnbn jfgvbcvgbn
  7. InSaNe Online!

    wont play if 1.9 tbh lal gtjnjvnbn jfgvbcvgbn
  8. InSaNe Online!

    is it up atm?gfhgbf n
  9. InSaNe Online!

    oh server aint up:P just realised
  10. Ayrin

    need exe tbh made pass n char and log in then press OK and then cums bk 2 screen lol
  11. InSaNe Online!

    sum1 is DoSin it fgsdfggdf
  12. InSaNe Online! aint even up
  13. InSaNe Online!

    :( down:punch: :ppunk:
  14. InSaNe Online!

    down now tho is sum1 dossin it?
  15. InSaNe Online!

    ye i have he said servers online but not for me u goon
  16. InSaNe Online!

    servers not up is it