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  1. What are the requirements to play Zircon?

    Hello, I keep having the same issue whenever I download Zircon on a new device, the game doesnt start neither with launcher, nor with game.exe. I can't seem to find a full list of apps that are required to do so. I managed to find these: .net 3.5, VC redistributable and slimDX SDK, but there...
  2. Diablo 3 Beta

    Hi, does anyone have Diablo 3 beta and wants to co-op?:)
  3. And what now?

    What if there are europeans, north and south americas people who want to play official mir3? Where can i go and play? Stupid wemade posted a link to chinese official, but we can't even register cuz of some idiotic local info we need in order to play. Probably the same situation with korean...
  4. Assassin leveling

    Hi guys, I started playing wemade mir3 recently because XP is 500% till they shut the server down. I want to level my assassin so i can check all of the skills etc. I'm lvl 29 atm and my question is where is the best place to level my character and and tips can you give me to make the game...
  5. newest skills on korean website

    Can anyone post here all new skills that have been in mir3 that are not in our kings? I've found some skills on the website but I couldn't manage to find them on youtube. Can someone post some links to videos and if possible a description of what they do pls...
  6. how to make bigger talisman and poison?

    as in title, im wondering how to make XL and XXL talismans and poison to have more than 300/300 shots? im intrested in making like 5k, 10k and 50k. Thx all in advance
  7. MIR X ? Am I missing something or what?

    I've just encountered a game called mir x, wtf? Looks awesome, have u guys seen it? when it's gonna be launched outside asia? for those who didn't see here's youtube video. I almost wet myself when i saw this :D any comments?:)
  8. Kernel

    hello, i've got a problem with logging in. everytime i try to log i got an error with kernel32...anyone knows how to fix that. does anyone have these files to make mir work again ?? thanks in advance
  9. stats pills

    is it possible to add things which can increase whatever 1-0, 1-1, 0-1, 2-0, 2-2, 0-2 and 3-0, 3-3, 0-3 ac/mr/dc/mc/sc not for some time like drugs do but forever. i mean something like hermit but in let's say pills that drop off hard bosses very rarely. you use that pill like potion and it...
  10. 3.55+ servers

    are there some nice high rate servers online except these on lomcn ? i mean we all know that there are many servers that are not advertised question is any1 knows any nice high stats server ? i don't care wheter its spanish or french, but 3.55 and high stats... edit: or does any1 know...
  11. .exe file needed

    "if the official interface doesnt work, then its your exe. not the interface." that's what Farphit said. so the problem with wrong client version has something to do with .exe not with gameinter files right ? but what .exe file should i change? mir3.exe ? or holleymir3.exe ? and where to get it...
  12. the game version is not compatible.the game will exit.

    i keep getting this error when i try to start playing on my server. i don't have such error when i play other 3.55 servers. i tired to delete .ini but i doesn't help :/ does anyone have any solution how to fix it ? i thought about it and maybe someone could just upload your ini without ip, sa...
  13. wrong client version

    i dont' know what to do with that one. i tried deleting ini file which didn't help. i'm using latest euromir client and server client files attached inside mud3 folder. problem doesn't want to dissapear. my only solution to fix it is can some1 upload your .ini file or give us some ideas how to...
  14. cd 3.5x key

    can you write here all keys u got to uncrack cd.exe ? that key doesnt work for me, maybe other keys would work. thx in advance
  15. invisible nicks in game

    i can't see nicks in game. how to make them visible ? thx in advance
  16. how can i increase spawn ?

    how can i increase spawn in some areas ? i'd like to increase PT and bigrats in zt spawn and make respawn come quicker. how can i increase cast speed ? oh and one more : can BS hit 3 times instead of 2 as i can see when BS is made warrior swings 3 times (right left right) but he's doing only 2...
  17. Vital Elementz

    hello, i've got question about VE server. will it be up as Vamp told me few months ago it ill when he moves a house. I'd like to know because i can't find as cool server as it was. Just bring it back:ppunk: :cray: . One more thing, pls ppl who don't like this server or GMs don't post your...
  18. request to ppl who set up cd 3.55/3.56 files

    at the begining i'd like to ask you not to flame me :P i'd like you to put screenshots of your gates and configuration of these gates here in this thread. could you also tell us-n00bs- what gates should be running to log into game and can u also upload mir3.exe which works? we already know that...
  19. crueldragon 3.56

    :bbcguy: i'm pissed now. it took me alot of time to set these files up. now when server files are working fine(i think) i can't log into game, it stucks on 'connecting to the server. please wait' screen. what is wrong ? what did i miss ?any support would be nice.
  20. hermit

    got a question: how to set hermit to give points above lvl 70 ? e.g till lvl 100 ? thanks in advance