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  1. <Bubble>

    TD 2.3 Files - Single Skele Only

    Ive been playing with TD2.3 files and can only seem to get one skele to summon. The first one summons fine then when i try to summon another the one that is already there just teleports next to me. I have SkeletonCount=2 in !Setup And as one summons im assuming its not a name issue...
  2. <Bubble>

    Release my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files

    cheers for the info
  3. <Bubble>

    [DM2] DB Server Crashing

    [DM2] DB Server Crashing/Error As soon as the Keep alive message comes up in the m2 the db server seems to register it but then immediately crashes. It recovers from the crash and it is left with errors shown in the screenshot below. Appreciate any help.
  4. <Bubble>

    Release my DM2 (mir 2.3 emu) files

    Just getting back into mir server side sorry for the idiot post but would just like to ask about these files. These are 2.3 files meaning 1.9 files with the 2.3 m2, i thought that delphi was required for the 2.3 version m2. appreciate any reply.
  5. <Bubble>

    Ledu Latest - Modifying EXE Help

    Hey, i have been working on the latest ledu client released by milo and i would like to change the image used for the buttons on the left hand side and the button used after you have selected the server. I have opened the exe in PE Explorer and i am able to view the images of the background of...
  6. <Bubble>

    is there a new ipchager to add letters instead of numbers as ip?

    It isnt that hard - just use the hex guide picture that came with the ledu client and put in the dns redirect that you made. Make sure to put in the length of the adress correctly, count its full length of every character so that includes full stops. eg. is 13 characters long...
  7. <Bubble>

    Prob with Richens sights.

    yeah tis true, should be simple enough, im sure theres a time saving program out there somewhere to do this for us all.
  8. <Bubble>

    Prob with Richens sights.

    A direct link is just where xxxx is the name of the file you uploaded.
  9. <Bubble>

    Fully working m2server.......

    Open M2Server.exe with your favourite hex editing tool, search for: 7D 08 00 0F 84 A1 ...and just change the 84 to 85. Hope this helps. Cheers.:: Quoted - ZaphodBeeble ::
  10. <Bubble>

    *Requesting Neo Server Starter*

    Heres a link if you need it: Here
  11. <Bubble>

    2 problems.

    If you dont want/need the files then just disable them by unticking them in mirconfig editor.
  12. <Bubble>


    There seems to be alot of debate on this topic, I would just like to add, yes V.I.P status is something to aim for and best of all i think is a realistic goal. It is possible to be a V.I.P and i must agree the people who have that staus have quite prominantly helped the community.
  13. <Bubble>


    Read the stickied threads and your questions will be answered if your positive its not in the guides then ask. Best way to do it.
  14. <Bubble>

    178mb Ledu Hum Effect File

    Should i upload the version with that last image removed or can everyone cope ok?
  15. <Bubble>


    Fine, Here For your reference heres how i got that link rite, Open in the SEARCH box enter hex workshop. Click the first result, on that page is "Download Hex Workshop Now " - For future reference.
  16. <Bubble>


    DB Setup Guide (BDE) DB Commander 2000 Pro Can be downloaded HERE and HERE Thanks to and anyone else linked to these files DB Commander 2000 Pro Crack Can be downloaded HERE Thanks to and anyone else linked to these files BDE Setup Guide can be found HERE...
  17. <Bubble>


    Meh theres one link you need but dont pass it on shhh: Here Keep it to yourself no one seems to know about it.
  18. <Bubble>


    you must have database commander installed, open up your monster database in it and scroll to the right till you find the exp collumn and increase the numbers. To do the hex option is more complicated, Open the m2 server with your favourite hex editing tool. - Visit the hexing section for the...
  19. <Bubble>


    fast lvling = high exp. raise the exp of the mobs in your database or, hex the exp requirements for each level in the m2 server that you are using.