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smoochy boys on tour
  1. how did bullpit level up so fast on euromir?

    PB used to drop FF as well. I had at least 3 from there selling at over 50m each lol
  2. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    Good to hear and good to hear drops are of in event cave. QQ Lee ;)
  3. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    Any news on body drops in the event caves lil? cheers
  4. Five Heroes - Crystal Files

    Advise for anyone looking to join. Go wiz and 1 hit any class.
  5. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    You do have a big cheating problem. Shame as thought different of you guys. Seems a shame you allow people to cheat. Anyone who don't believe me.. go see for yourself. This is a game where everyone knows the tweaks. So most server are running at optimum. Yet some players are at a different...
  6. [Approved] Legend of Mir Chronicles [AceM2]

    Server is cheat invested with corrupt gms who make a good game but allowed friends to cheat. Avoid.
  7. Legend of Mir Gravity [2.6+] Discussion

    Server seems ok. But very unfriendly community at pressent. Great how people were able to level fast, now rest have to try catch up now VOD exp changed... good start..
  8. How many old skool Cn'ers are still around?

    Played since beta. Used to love BC and killing ET for that chance of a lvl 26 weap. Then PSC patch changed it all ! ha. Q system for bosses lol. Left Dserver in 2004 I think and moved to phoenix.
  9. anyone playing korean mir2?

    can somone please delete a char so we can make a archer plz.
  10. anyone playing korean mir2?

    auto patch dont work
  11. Mir Forever

    Enjoyed the server at start. Sad to see it close.
  12. Jamie/Hello

    challenge room? gm powers from phili source? Don't think it effected the game to much was already dieing =/ Still can't believe how many times I looked at that part of phili source and never clocked the fact I could use it for gm powers =/
  13. Other Server Set-up

    You can get sql to work on windows 8. Lots of guide on google.
  14. AceM2: Official Server now online

    It tried to load then gose back to desktop. no error messages just have to close it when goes to full screen.
  15. AceM2: Official Server now online

    Game wont load in windows 8. Anyone know a solution?
  16. Strange request - Frozen files

    I would also like if possible. Many thaanks.
  17. Other Your favourite Legend of Mir2 All-round server?

    weown for 1.4 ragezone for 1.9 and i liked the first oldschool server for 2.3
  18. Death Knights

    On mk Dk, I do Strng/Crit/Hit/Haste/Stam
  19. Real or Fake Offical mir3???

    Never played mir3 offical, so will now as well as mir2 :) C u all there.
  20. Legend of mir - The three hero's

    User count was more like 300-400 70+ pll are still logging on now evan tho mobs have laged euro lol. Gl with server. Bon seems to have a problem with everyones server but his own lol.