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  1. Rufus

    DB Wait Error

    I have in Crueldragon this error "DbWait Error" and the players can't login in the game, what happening? Now the pc have 1.5 Gb ram.
  2. Rufus

    New Mobs problem

    I add new mobs to the DB, and when i spawn it to the game, it run well but when attack the mob "flash" disappear and appear, i search in the library but i have all the sprites. What is the problem?
  3. Rufus

    Problem with router

    I configure the server to run with a router, the people out the router can login and play, but the people in the lan with the router, can login but can't select the character and play.
  4. Rufus


    Hello, I need help, somebody can pass me the archives of the houses and explain to me as they settle? I have a server with CruelDragon-Holley,thanks
  5. Rufus

    Map Castle-Sabuk

    Hello, I need that me ayudeis with the map Sabuk-Castle, I have a server with the archives of crueldragon but cogi the map of job and passes it to my server and now when I go to that osea map the one of Sabuk-Castle I see all black it, to help me please
  6. Rufus

    Holley Translate Problem

    Any have the CruelDragon3G.INI of Holley 3.38 or other older version Translated? the Holley_msgXX and Holley_cmdXX? Please post that here or send me to [email protected], i can't mean that!
  7. Rufus

    Startserver error

    i have a server and it run very well but yesterday i reboot the server because a problem with a gate, but when start the server i have a rare error: etc etc ... AdminList loaded.. GuildList loaded.. IDSoc loaded.. GlobalEnviar loaded.. 14:05:31 Guild list has loaded 2 MakeStoneMines... 14:05:31...
  8. Rufus

    KingNF 1.1 Magic Problem

    I have a problem, the server run good, but when i make a book translated of a magic i do the double click but it do nothing; the magic DB be good and the stditems too i think. One example: idx name -> 452 SwordmanShip(*) 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 304 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2800 5 0 0...
  9. Rufus

    Translate please

    The crueldragonmir3g say me: loading Monster.DB... ÕýÔÚ¿ªÊ¼ÔØÈëSQL¹ÖÎïÊý¾Ý¿â............. ¹ÖÎïÊý¾Ý¿âÔØÈë³É¹¦ loading Magic.DB... ÕýÔÚ¿ªÊ¼ÔØÈëSQLħ·¨Êý¾Ý¿â............. and do starttimer error, i need translate this for fix that
  10. Rufus

    client version information failed.

    I download and use the server version crueldragon3g, i read the guide and i do all, but when i run the crueldragonmir3g.exe, it say me: Loading client version information failed. check !setup.txt -> [setup] -> clientfile1,.. I use a program to modify the !Setup.txt, the program was in the...