Castalia Woool []

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Nov 7, 2007
Well tonight trying to get my computer with all the woool work on working failed, The only option now is to see if any of the old team have any of the work which is very doubtfull =/.

But since i started this development about 2years ago now =/ i been trying to find files which have not been edited but had no luck what so ever, but a chinese guy telling me he has the files which would save me a hell of alot of time putting everything back in, our old files where missing caves up to lvl 40, and thats like 5-6 caves which i would have to re-do and put them back in.
I know these files are going to be bloody old and will need updating but i basicly know all the new features etc and would take me a couple of days to put in.

Should get these files in the next couple of days, il check them out and decide if it's worth doing or not.

The only reason am contining with woool is Shanda keep updating woool and putting new stuff in so it's worth it, it's not like mir where there been no update since...5years? just found out woool have 1.9.66, and last time i checked it was 1.955.

Formating a pc now were all the woool stuff will go and nothing eles, so i don't lose anything anymore which kinder annoying when you do lose 99% of a translated woool server then have to re-do it again lol.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 18, 2004
Kent, S.E England
Well good luck with it and hope it all goes to plan. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with it and don't let other people get you down.


Nov 7, 2007
Well good luck with it and hope it all goes to plan. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with it and don't let other people get you down.

It's got to a point where am not doing this for anyone eles, just for myself, i have over a month off now were i can work on it, i may just work alone with this now, well get the chinese guy back in for the new updates and what not.

People will most likely flame me saying it's been over a year and still nothing, don't blame you tbh i would feel the same, but since i started, i know so much about the files, i know everything in woool, all the features and what they do, now i think it's time to bring all the experance together and make this bloody server once and for all :D.


Nov 7, 2007
Ok a little news on whats going to happen.

Got back in touch with Lee (Chinese Guy) and hes really happy to continue with it which is good.
We both decided to go back to the start 1.9.35, any new updates added to woool then il just in put them into the files myself.

At the moment am waiting for some files but already have a nice set ready just incase these are not the ones am looking for, We also are creating our own login tools.

Ok we start here, progress part so you can see whats been done and what not.

Items 0%
Monsters 0%
Magics 0%

{QuestDiary & Scripts}
............................. 0%


{Monsters & Drops}


{New Features}

If all goes well and i have the files tommrow, then the Databases should be 100% done.

If anyone intrested in joining and helping us develop Woool, Please let us know, not looking for people who will just piss about on the game all day ;).


Nov 7, 2007
Sorry but this has been put on held for now, working on ZhengTu which is simular to woool/mir and i think ZhengTu would get much more intrest. You can check out for your selfs if you think it looks any better.

Mod can close this now.

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