MoonX Mir 3 Discussion

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Figured I would stick a small update on this post until the GM gets around to up dating server post.

Class changes are done every class seems pretty happy with how their class is now performing as well as how the other classes are performing against them in PVP.

- Warriors and Assassins are killing lures at reasonable speeds Assassins are still faster but not by as big a margin.
- Wizard Now have some more durability and damage on some spells.
- Taoists Infection now works almost as it did but in a slightly better formula allowing them to kill similar if not better to Zircon.

Treasure Box added to cities (Bichon, Lost Paradise, Banya Village, Banya Island, Sabuk Keep, MoonX, Taoist Temple and Bichon Castle). They're on a 24h respawn, only one per city and are announced just like bosses. Drop: Gold, Benes, refine materials, wings, emblems (no Allfather/Dragon Wings) and 40 FP.

Carrot event. Same as Zircon but you can use 1000 carrots in exchange of temporal items or cubes. (event will last for a week)

Sabuk Keep invasion added. Invasion will last for 5 waves, each wave will spawn 100 lvl 200-240 monsters and 15 subs/bosses (completely random) from tier 1 to tier 7. Waves last for 20 minutes and monsters do not disappear when a wave ends so if you can't kill them in time it will become harder as there will be more bosses/mobs around. (Everyone really enjoyed this and their was enough bosses to go around, Also GM's seemed happy and want to make this a weekly feature to the game).

Personally I think that they GM's have gotten this server on track and from what we battled at the Invasion they have reworked bosses and have new content in the works. My advice is if you wrote this server off because of the class balancing going on you should come back and give it another go and I can't wait to see what they GM's have in mind for next big content patch.

IMO the only thing the server needs are a couple of Hard area's with challenging monsters like the one's in Goru to make player's group up and kill their way to a boss and for said boss to drop better than the standard one's already in place. as it will not only promote grouping and working together with others but open the door to challengers with PVP/PK for those bosses like how DoomClaw use to work on the wall. All be it with a bit more balance due to Melee having a response to tempest wars.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 6, 2015
These days have been pure madness with so many things being worked on so I didn't have the time to update the post plus I didn't know they moved it into the discussion section. It's a bit late now but hopefully I can make a full update by tomorrow on what has changed and what are our plans for the future which does indeed revolve around group content.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 27, 2007
  1. Starter guild level cap increased from 50 to 100. Exp increased from 50% to 100%. This is meant to be a catch up mechanic in the early levels.
  2. Teleport Ring cooldown lowered from 5 to 3 minutes.
  3. Added 6 new bosses. They're very powerful and drop all the current equipment that is worth something (except Spirit Caller or Numa set), including Revival and Teleport rings (both as full ring and parts).
  4. Weapon shapes fixed. The Assassin one has been completely changed.
  5. Changed durability of certain items.
  6. Weapon refine materials (Fragments, Crystals and Refinement Stone) now have a different drop formula. As of now EVERYONE in group gets them and the amount is fixed (only modified by your drop rate) so when you kill bosses in big groups everyone will get materials, lots of them. The downside is that if you bring smaller group you do not get extra materials.
    • Due to the previous change, the refinement materials drop chance from subs are now more reliable and drop more (twice as much).
  7. Dark Cave has been altered (Map Buffs added, easier drops, added wings).
    • Dark Cave experience increased from 2300% to 3500%.
  8. Accesory Repair Oil, Armour Repair Oil and Superior Repair Oil added to Essentials NPC.
  9. Sabuk Invasion time between waves has been reduced from 20 to 15minutes and the sub/boss that spawn has been increased from 15 to 25. This is meant to give everyone a chance and not just 1 or 2 groups hogging all the bosses to themselves plus 15 subs/bosses felt too little anyway.

Exp x2 event this weekend. It will last from Saturday 00:01 AM UTC +2 to Sunday 12:59 PM UTC +2. Server will be one month old so we might as well shower the players in events, also it's a good alternative for both the low levels who can't do bosses in event or can't participate due to their schedule.

Sabuk Invasion will still happen this Sunday at 8:00 PM UTC+2 as usual.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 27, 2007
1. Added two private event with two difficulties (low and high).
- Has 10 waves. Each wave spawns 1 boss, 5 subs and 35 mobs.​
- Low difficulty includes bosses from T1 to T4 and high difficulty hass T5 to T7.​
- Time between waves is 10 minutes.​
- To access the event you have to talk to the NPC and offer him an item (Rift Keystone or Greater Rift Keystone) then your entire group will be teleported to the map. Rift Key stone drop from subs and T1 to T4 bosses while Greater Rift Keystone drops only from T5 to T8 bosses.​
- Event map has increased drop rate by 50% and experience rate by 4000%.​
- If a group is already inside a second group will not be able to enter. However, if a group is not able to complete the event and the group dies then the next group to enter will profit from the previous event so I suggest you bring a proper group.​
2. Group experience formula reworked.
  • When your group has:
    • 1 set of 4 different classes (1 Wizzard, 1 Warrior, 1 Taoist, 1 Assasin) -> group experience increased from 10% to 80%.
    • 2 set of 4 different classes (1 Wizzard, 1 Warrior, 1 Taoist, 1 Assasin) -> group experience increased from 25% to 160%.
    • 3 set of 4 different classes (1 Wizzard, 1 Warrior, 1 Taoist, 1 Assasin) -> group experience increased from 50% to 250%.
    • For every additional player in group you get an extra 6% exp.
3. Experience from Map Buff is only applicable if you have at least 3 players in your group.
- Banyo Island / Cave * Experience increased by 1700% * HP Increased by 1300%​
* Damage increased by 140%.​
* Monsters are level 140, this means you won't get much exp past that level.​

- Dark Cave
* Mob density increased by 50%.​
* Purification AI switched for Red Pois.​
* Mob level reduced to 180.​

4. Taoist
- Mass Healing increased from 60 to 83 per level.​
- Mass Healing duration increased.​
Evil Slayer, Grea tEvil Slayer, Talisman Explosion y Improved Talisman Explosion PvE damage increased.​
- Evil Slayer, Grea tEvil Slayer, Talisman Explosion y Improved Talisman Explosion now deals full damage to secondary objectives (both in PvP and PvE) which is roughly a 30%​
- Pets receive 95% less damage from normal monsters and subs. Doesn't affect bosses.​
- Infection damage increase from rebirth increased from 10% to 40%.​
- Infection formula now scales better with SC.​

5. Purification
- Now has a 5s cooldown​
- Magic Shield is more difficult to purge. If the tao is higher level than the wizard, there's a 33% chance to purge the Magic Shield and 25% chance is the tao is lower level. Everything else works as it is in live, including the 100% chance to dispell buffs if the tao is higher level, this change only applies to magic shield. I am fully aware that this change will not be welcomed by the taoists but I have been observing PvP between classes and specially group PvP for a while and Wizards are forced to retreat or die if they get Puried > Beckon/Dance of Swallow or focused down by other enemies which is absolutely fine but if Purification has a 40% success chance against higher lever targets and 100% against lower level targets then all you need to force a Wizard out of the fight is a single spell, which imo is not okay, specially with these recent buffs to taos. I will be watching how this performs to adjust if necessary. 6. Items - Spirit Caller set buff increased from 35% to 45%. Much like Numa set, it has been increased to match the current HP pools. 7. Others. - Quests added. Mythra's note: This patch has been delayed and cut short (because there is more content that is halfway done) because of some IRL issues that cannot be delayed thus I can't spend as much time on the server as I would like.​
6. Items
- Spirit Caller set buff increased from 35% to 45%. Much like Numa set, it has been increased to match the current HP pools.​

7. Others.
- Quests added in MoonX.​


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 27, 2007
Changes 16/05/2019

  1. Fixed rift bug.
  2. Guild changes:
    1. Guilds with 20 members or more they will not have guild buff.
  3. - Groups with others guild members now this will not remove the guild buff
  4. - Tao changes:
    1. Tao pets receive less damage from players.
    2. Chance of puri increased.
  5. Asteroid damage decreased 25% in pvp.
  6. Fixed npc Mike in MoonX.
  7. Sabuk event time between waves reduced from 25 to 18 min.
  8. Reduced time between waves on normal Rift from 15 to 10 min.
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Changes 17/05/2019

Increased mob density in:
- Lost Land
- Dinos
- Numa
- Spider Cave
- Lost Land 3F. Also Map buff (DC, EXP and Drop rate) increased to match the monsters HP.

Observer mode can now be disabled but you get a 100% experience rate penalty. This is meant to discourage people from AFK leveling with observer on.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 27, 2007

- Rift events now needs first rebirth to enter.
- Added boss random respawn (+1h/-1h)
- New rebirth kit added in tier 9 boss.
- Added 8 new braces with ADV and 1 ring with Luck in t8/t9 boss.
- Added mobs in rainbow cave and 2 bosses.
- Reworked some maps: Lost Oasis, Arid Flats, Quartz Mine, Abandoned Town, Forgotton Monastery, Lost Pass, Lost Village, Lost Way, Southern Wall, Beyond Shore, The wall, The Wall 2f, Western Coast, Western Arids.
- Reworked all mobs on previous reworked maps.
- DoomClaw, Sumerian, Sacrifice, Sumerian King, RedEvilApae, GreyEvilApe, Zauhk now are t9 boss.
- Added freedom Pass to boss
- Increased fp on t9 boss.
- Fixed stats on some t9 boss.


- Removed Mass beckon cap.
- Increased gold drop in lvl 190/200 zones.
- Fixed some quest bug .
- Boss announce was removed (only treasure box has it enabled).
- Removed RT and RC on Forgotton Monastery 2f
- Celestial has increased cd in pvp from 6 to 8 secs. (PENDING FEEDBACK)
- Now purification has same chance to remove celestial light as magic shield.
- Elixir of purification now cant remove green/red pois.
- Others class hit less to warriors in pvp (20%). (pending to get some feedback).
- Increased PVP damage on DragonRise, BladeStorm and Flaming sword (20%).
- Increased exp and decreased hp in DarkCave.
- Increased mob density in some maps (ship, lava, etc..).
- Fixed bug on skill npc.
- Rebirth 3 items added on zones from previous patch.
- Lowered respwan time of some boss.
- Changed time between waves on rift event. (From 10 to 7 secs)
- Reworked Dragon Abyss cave.
- Reworked Black Sama, Blue Sama, Phoenix Sama, Sama Prophet, Sama Sorcerer and White Tiger Sama are now T9 boss.

- Added 4 new weaps to t9 boss.
- Reworked drop on t5/t6/t7/t8 and t9 boss.
- Fixed some quest.
- Increased stats on bracelet and ring from previous patch (Lucky ring and Guard bracelets).
- Reworked Spirit set.


This new patch makes PvE items easier to drop without breaking PvP, with this news changes now server has 3 differents kits:
- Rebirth items to PvE.​
- Numa Kit to PvP defense.​
- Spirit Kit to PvP attack.​

Every kit has specific stat to preventing using PvE kits on PvP or PvP kits on PvE..

- Reworked adamantoise now is T9 boss.
- Fixed stats on Black Dragon Fan.
- Added new stats on game (PvP damage, PvP defense, PvP damage reduction, PvE damage reduction).
- PvP Damage : Increases PvP damage X%.​
- PvP Defense: Decreases PvP damage received X%.​
- PvP damage reduction: Decreases your PvP damage X%.​
- Pve damage reduction: Decreases your PvE damage X%.​
- Resurrection cooldown reduced from 20s to 10s.
- Added PVP damage reduction on all Rebirth items.
- Reworked Spirit set.
- Added PvP damage 10%.​
- Added health 10%​
- Added PvE damage reduction 15% per item.​
- Reworked Numa Set
- Added PvP defense 30%.​
- Increased hp from 4000 to 6000.​
- Increased Spirit set drop in dinos (now drop more).
- Reworked all Rebirth items drop. (boss,subs and mobs ) (Drop more.. a lot more..)
- Added Rebirth 4 items on mob drops (190+ zones).
- Added exchange fragments on MoonX. (Quest npc)
- Added Rebirth 5 items.
- Added Rebirth 5 items on T9 boss.
- Added Rebirth 5 items on mob drops (190+ zones).
- Added new Spirit kit temporal.
- Added Spirit kit temporal on MoonX npc, you can exchange fps to rent this kit. (Quest NPC)
- You can't add stats on this weapon/items (refining it or with stat extractor).​
- Weapon has better stats than original spirit blade.​
- Removed cap on interchange (Pve).

This weekend, exp event 50% extra and drop event 100% extra until Sunday 12:59 PM UTC +2.

Sabuk Invasion every sunday at 8:00 PM UTC+2.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jul 11, 2010
just downloaded this server to try it and cant connect i have the right ip just says wrong version been on the discord cant see anything there so guess i cant try it


LOMCN n00bie
Dec 20, 2013
Anyone here that i know from other servers ?

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LOMCN Veteran
Jul 7, 2009
any updates in progres? or gms leave server? now when we get more online :p
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john or u mythra u are like kid ? i see u u are online here but u cant asnwer what with server, if u stop work on it just take it off.
hope u have some honor bro
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LOMCN Leecher
Jul 21, 2018
players want to close this server

because no one is guarding the scams

gm leave server 2 months ago


LOMCN n00bie
Feb 1, 2019
2-cents, I have been playing for about a month. These are the things I noticed:

Updates have seemingly stopped, there has been no activity from a GM or information about plans.
There is mostly toxic banter from the players on the discord. (Suggestions are shot down with the comment of "you are a retard or stupid").
There is one big guild housing all the players (AFKers) in the game and many of its members sit in newbie leveling zones and attempt to PK lower players in an attempt to prevent them from getting PVP items.
- Side note: server has a PVP set and regular PVE items. Atrocious system, because the people who already have this PVP set sit on top and there is no way to challenge them. There is no challenge to the game in this aspect.
Server has not been restarted in ages (laggy)

The drop rate is not really RNG, as their is a percentage that goes up each time the item is dropped rather than simply resetting to 100%. Example: you start off with 100% item drop, as you farm it gets lower which should in theory increase the chances of a drop. But lets say it hits 78% and you happen to get your item, the drop rate for that item then goes to 178% which makes the drop rate lower. Why does it not go to 100%? (Weird system but again it takes away from the RNG aspect).

Not sure who operates the server.
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