
Holley Mir 3!!
Oct 28, 2003
Stoke, UK
Playa exploited a bug on our server after being warned about another bug exploit, so I removed the items he had attained and his gold (2 hours work in Ants at most)...

This is what we got, I am not posting it all as the first hour was mainly him swearing and calling me names...

Just so you know if you ever decide to cross him...

It didn't save my reponses in the chat log, but you can rest assured I was polite until near the end when I was jsut getting tired of him.

Tallis=> expect to hear from fast soon
Tallis=> suggest you read it
Tallis=> i have been with tehm for 6yrs and it would not be hard to have you 
Tallis=> u have a full sql licence i take it
Tallis=> guess not
Tallis=> 90 day trail
Tallis=> what u going to do after 90 days?
Tallis=> very sly
Tallis=> takes screeny
Tallis=> not true, ive already checled that out
Tallis=> down the server or pay 8, simple
Tallis=> it already been posted on there forums
Tallis=> typo m8
Tallis=> its not the first
Tallis=> your nice server will be history in the next  7 days
Tallis=> emulated or not your still breaking rules
Tallis=> we shall see
Tallis=> u never knew i was a fast Auditor did you
Tallis=> guess u learn something new every day
Tallis=> omg u found me out
Tallis=> rofl
Tallis=> and for your info, ive not been at work playing or your ****ty server
Tallis=> your small time
Tallis=> very
Tallis=> never had a problem on xtreme with ******s
Tallis=> i dont work for them but i a member and a fully certified fast auditor
Tallis=> dont make things worse for yourself
Tallis=> that gold took me a good 20hr + to get
Tallis=> i cant believe u would **** me over like u have
Tallis=> i will have your server shutdown
Tallis=> im not going to let this go m8
Tallis=> you messed with the wrong person
Tallis=> you think thats going to help u
Tallis=> shows how much u really know about me
(!)Sting:Tallis is Playa, if he PM's you, please ignore him
Tallis=> anyway goodluck with your server
Tallis=> nps
Tallis=> if you running it from home i suggest u move it before its to late
Tallis=> nps, nn, sweet dreams
Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 2, 2004
lol this guy is a total loser he quit olymp server coz he could leave safezone without me pking him lol so he sold all his items 1 gold each and left :P he cant do sh1t lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 7, 2005
He's using his FAST membership for his own benefit. Talk about abuse...this can happen to any server


Jul 30, 2003
Nice way to make yourself popular with the entire gaming community...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 23, 2004
What a vile thing to do. I've seen Playa in moods and strops before, but to pull a stunt like this over a game is unbelievable.

I had no idea what this FAST thing was, but I looked it up, and it seems to me like its basically a place for nerdy geeks to report others and claim a reward if anyone is prosecuted. Any idiot can join, you don't have to be someone special.

To do this to anyone, especially if you play private servers, is so ridiculously hypocritical. I'm assuming he is now only going to play official servers and pay for the privelige, since he is using their client to play. And that any d/loaded music/films etc he happens to have on his pc are no longer there?

I suppose every private server host should beware. If this guy plays your server and you upset him, this is what his response is likely to be.

I guess this is what happens when you have no life outside mir.

Pathetic in my opinion.


Holley Mir 3!!
Oct 28, 2003
Stoke, UK
Found the chat log on the server :D

Thought you would find it amusing, I assume he was drunk or deluded at the time.... (or both)

Tallis:	/sting expect to hear from fast soon
Tallis:	/Sting
Tallis:	/Sting suggest you read it
Sting:	/Tallis why would I want to?
Sting:	/Tallis we have stolen no software
Tallis:	/Sting i have been with tehm for 6yrs and it would not be hard to have you closed down
Sting:	/Tallis like I said.. for what?
Tallis:	/Sting u have a full sql licence i take it
Sting:	/Tallis don't need one.. I have the trial version
Tallis:	/Sting guess not
Tallis:	/Sting 90 day trail
Tallis:	/Sting what u going to do after 90 days?
Sting:	/Tallis reinstall PC.. 
Sting:	/Tallis your problem is?
Tallis:	/Sting very sly
Sting:	/Tallis ty
Tallis:	/Sting takes screeny
Sting:	/Tallis lol, you really want to know who can get slapped by FAST?
Sting:	/Tallis people who use the Mir client to connect to an emulator
Sting:	/Tallis its not the emulators creator that is at fault, its the people who use the game
Sting:	/Tallis if you know FAST, you should know that
Sting:	/Tallis screenie that
Tallis:	/Sting not true, ive already checled that out
Sting:	/Tallis lol, no you haven't
Tallis:	/Sting down the server or pay 8, simple
Tallis:	/Sting it already been posted on there forums
Sting:	/Tallis seriously, sober up or go to bed
Sting:	/Tallis down the server or pay 8?
Sting:	/Tallis what does that mean?
Tallis:	/Sting typo m8
Sting:	/Tallis I assume you are going to fix it then
Tallis:	/Sting its not the first
Sting:	/Tallis well what did you mean then
Tallis:	/Sting your nice server will be history in the next  7 days
Sting:	/Tallis you would try to destroy every mir server out there because I took 5 mil of you?
Tallis:	/Sting emulated or not your still breaking rules
Sting:	/Tallis no I aint
Tallis:	/Sting we shall see
Sting:	/Tallis we shall.. as soon as you have sobered up and realised what an idiot you are
Sting:	/Tallis making of yourself
Tallis:	/Sting u never knew i was a fast Auditor did you
Sting:	/Tallis lol, a FAST auditor who plays on illegal games?
Sting:	/Tallis while at work?
Tallis:	/Sting guess u learn something new every day
Sting:	/Tallis OMG.. thats classic
Sting:	/Tallis you MUST be stuck for words now
Tallis:	/Sting omg u found me out
Tallis:	/Sting rofl
Tallis:	/Sting and for your info, ive not been at work playing or your ****ty server
Tallis:	/Sting your small time
Sting:	/Tallis you played on Xtreme, is that different?
Tallis:	/Sting very
Sting:	/tallis because they let you get items dead easy?
Tallis:	/Sting never had a problem on xtreme with ******s
Sting:	/tallis lets get back to the work thing, I like that subject
Sting:	/tallis why is playing on Xtreme at work different from playing on here
Tallis:	/Sting i dont work for them but i a member and a fully certified fast auditor
Sting:	/tallis you need certifying thats for sure...
Sting:	/tallis a personal vendetta for 5 mil in virtual money
Tallis:	/Sting dont make things worse for yourself
Sting:	/tallis 2 hours work down the drain and you have made yourself
Sting:	/tallis look like a complete idiot 
Sting:	/tallis I can't believe you would degrade yourself like this
Tallis:	/Sting that gold took me a good 20hr + to get
Sting:	/tallis 2 hours in ants on ya wiz
Tallis:	/Sting i cant believe u would **** me over like u have
Tallis:	/Sting i will have your server shutdown
Sting:	/tallis I didn't, you did that when you got worked up about it
Tallis:	/Sting im not going to let this go m8
Tallis:	/Sting you messed with the wrong person
Sting:	/tallis so you say, I personally couldn't give a **** any more
Sting:	/tallis You have shown yourself for what you really are
Sting:	/tallis a pathetic child
Sting:	/tallis grow up
Tallis:	/Sting you think thats going to help u
Sting:	/tallis I don't need help, you do.. serious help
Sting:	/tallis your a complete nutter
Tallis:	/Sting shows how much u really know about me
Sting:	/tallis I have seen all I need to see tonight
Sting:	!@Tallis is Playa, if he PM's you, please ignore him
Tallis:	/Sting anyway goodluck with your server
Sting:	/tallis ty
Tallis:	/Sting nps
Tallis:	/Sting if you running it from home i suggest u move it before its to late
Sting:	/tallis ty, I will bare that in mind
Tallis:	/Sting nps, nn, sweet dreams


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2004

I will not be reporting you or anyone to fast. I just needed an excuse to leave the mir community for good as it take up far too much of my time.

Sorry for the abuse and good luck with the server.

Flame away but this will be my last post.



Holley Mir 3!!
Oct 28, 2003
Stoke, UK
I don't intend to flame, I never did. I understand when people get pissed at games, I know I do... its knowing when to stop... you went a little overboard... never mind.

Have fun mate.. PM me if you want to come back :D



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 24, 2004
Dno who this guy is but playahata isnt me Playa from euro mir - looks like he's also took my name for his forum account on ere
