script i found

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 18, 2011
Northant's Town : Serious Gamer

  1. [*=1][Main]
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]the check [411] 1
    [*=1]# The ACT
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]the check [410] 1
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]What is in the bottle is the fould blood of a RedmoonEvil I killed ...
    [*=1]If you disguised yourself as a demon of a mn by swearing on it your
    [*=1]clothes and holding an EvilApeHeart you can get the RedMoonSword. To
    [*=1]kill the RemoonEvil and to get rid of the origin of the demon depends
    [*=1]upon you. It is hard ofr you to kill a RedmoonEvil alone. Band together
    [*=1]with a many other heroes ...
    [*=1]# The ACT
    [*=1]SET [411] 1
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]the check [409] 1
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]You did not yet kill a RemoonEvil ...
    [*=1]I'll the send you back there
    [*=1]I'll pray that you may overcome the ordeal ..
    [*=1]<Take An ordeal/@next_quest>
    [*=1]# The ACT
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]the check [408] 1
    [*=1]checkitem BloodSwordChip 1
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]Ferricyanide Shadowbane fragments with you? Once again, I test your ability
    [*=1]You brought me through this test, the magic blood.
    [*=1]In this way, I will tell you the ferricyanide Shadowbane methods
    [*=1]# The ACT
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]the check [406] 1
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]Come on, bring me BloodSwordChip.
    [*=1]t's a ominous demonic sword.
    [*=1]You should seek out the sword before someone else gets it.
    [*=1]# The ACT
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]the check [405] 1
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]Come here of pal!
    [*=1]I have been waiting for you a longs time ...
    [*=1]It's your destiny you never escape from it even after you die ...
    [*=1]Ah friend, Will you tak my orders and get through the hard way?
    [*=1]<I'll Follow your orders with pleasure/@next>
    [*=1][The next]
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]Well, this is my duty. This is why i have waited for you instead of leaving here.
    [*=1]You came here with a JadeCrystal. My name is Abel, and my nickname was Thunderman
    [*=1]before i died. Originall i had striven for martial art training since I was 5 years
    [*=1]old. When I was 30 years old, i was never scared of anyone in the world. Then I was
    [*=1]arrogant for I took a pride in my martial art. Consequently it made me a lot of
    [*=1]enemies. But I was no longer interested in the life of the community.
    [*=1]@ Next1
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]For a long time to find superb martial arts monster disappeared in the political arena,
    [*=1]Finally came to the top level of the Crescent Canyon
    [*=1]I saw a huge monster in a damp odor sky rooms ...
    [*=1]That in crazy monster roared, and the outbreak of the anger of the heart ...
    [*=1]I was stunned by the powerful force of the monster ...
    [*=1]I think of anyway to kill this monster, or too dangerous
    [*=1]@ Next2
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]. To the foot of Hall Road and begged them to lend their museum treasures Jane sword broken off.
    [*=1]However, because I was in one not very good reputation in the lakes, so they not only do not believe what I say.
    [*=1]Also out of the door. I angrily grabbed the hand to use force to break off Jane sword
    [*=1]After came to this place
    [*=1]The bane of the matter is from the beginning ...
    [*=1]I was haughty
    [*=1]@ Next3
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]I grab the treasure, a lot of people in order to get that treasure to kill me
    [*=1]Day to Crescent Canyon all that great evil in the devil.
    [*=1]Filled with murderous.
    [*=1]People killing each other, dead bodies all over the entire canyon, rivers of blood ...
    [*=1]Fortunately I have the door the invaluable broken off Jane sword,
    [*=1]So there is no evil curse of the demon,
    [*=1]But killed several innocent people.
    [*=1]@ Next4
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]I hated that monster ... demons that Luna.
    [*=1]But just by anger and hatred of persons there is no way to defeat the devil
    [*=1]Sword into the Luna Devil heart moment, I've been surrounded by the evil demon
    [*=1]Broken off Jane sword could not overcome the evil of my heart, I including Jane sword broken off failed to keep
    [*=1]Broken off Jane sword became the sword of evil.
    [*=1]@ Next5
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]Luna devil beat me and break off Jane sword.
    [*=1]Broken off Jane sword has the power to bring Luna devil blow.
    [*=1]Therefore, although over the long years, but Luna devil has not yet recovering
    [*=1]Plus you are not infected by the evil of the devil, I dry'm sure you can beat it
    [*=1]Luna devil sins unforgivable
    [*=1]Certain to have it destroyed, you have to remember that I am about to say
    [*=1]@ Next6
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]#. SAY
    [*=1]Ever since I stained the blood of the Luna devil magic to become a human magic ...
    [*=1]By breaking off Jane sword, not Luna Shadowbane lure the indiscriminate killing of innocent people in the ferricyanide Canyon.
    [*=1]This situation lasted for 100 years, finally interrupted ferricyanide sword, and I also reply to consciousness
    [*=1]I wake up from the evil, has been a wake,
    [*=1]Even if I die, my soul and body are together.
    [*=1]Now I want to tell you yes, be sure to to ferricyanide the Shadowbane pieces to come back to,
    [*=1]SET [406]
    [*=1]@ Next_quest
    [*=1]# IF
    [*=1]checkhum D10071 2
    [*=1]There is already someone before you!
    [*=1]<Come Back later/@exit>
    [*=1]# ELSEACT
    [*=1]take BloodSwordChip 1
    [*=1]SET [409] 1
    [*=1]MONCLEAR D10071
    [*=1]PARAM1 D10071
    [*=1]PARAM2 17
    [*=1]PARAM3 21
    [*=1]MONGEN RedMoonEvil1 1 0
    [*=1]MAP D10071

it was a chinese script i translated it kinda >.< maybe people could use this as a bas script then add/edit what they need. feel free to edit n repost

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