Other Three Heroes [2.6+] Christmas Event & more....


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Three Heroes is throwing a massive Christmas event until the New Year.
Now is the perfect time to join or even rejoin.

Usercount is averaging around 80-90.
The userbase is strong and the rivalries are immense.
SabukWall fights are almost everyday, with 40-50 users taking part.

Experience for new starters is multiplied by 5.5 for the first few hours of gameplay.
Level 300-400 Areas now come with Quests to help you through the levels and grant you rewards.
ChristmasTrees and ChristmasChests spawn in provinces rewarding players with GiftBoxes
- Gain Experience,Gold and Items at the click of your mouse from a Gift.

There has never been a better time to start or return to one of the best mir2 private servers online.