Mir Extreme 2.3

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
Downloaded the files, but Microsoft Essentials is going mad about them. Usually I'd ignore these as a false positive, but it's literally demanding I remove the files as a 'severe' issue.

It seems the .exe is being reported as obfuscator.xx .

@Lone: Do you have any idea what in the .exe could be considered as masquerading?

(Note: I'm not a novice, and know of false positives, but this is more concerning than usual due to the reports and actual reasons behind the flag. Just trying to dig a little deeper)


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
Sorry Slipmatt, I haven't ever touched windows 10 so I'm unsure where to even start with that issue >.< I'm hoping someone else will have resolved the issue and ill be able to find something about it which I can direct you too.

With regards to windows essentials going nuts, We always used to have issues with antivirus programs, and the Obfuscator.xx is a new one on me so will have a look into it, in a moment, it used to be something called Thermedia (think that's the correct spelling) As far as I'm aware it was a case that the Exe was written using the same program that lots of viruses were created with (the Thermedia program)

I haven't ever heard of any problems coming from allowing the exe to run (its been on hundreds if not thousands of mir gamer PCs, back when all the servers were running on this file set, every server had the same issue ^.^

we submitted the exe to several different antivirus companies when the server was up last time so they could remove it from their dangerous list. Sophos/AVG were among the companies i forget the others.

Im not sure how to get round the Microsoft essential issue other than either somehow allowing the exe (does it have an exceptions list you can add the exe too?) or disabling Essentials altogether - this might be a bit overkill if you use any of the features. (I tend to avoid microsoft if possible, they just seem to break things :) )

---------- Post Merged at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 11:20 AM ----------

So, looking into the Windows 10 issue, it seems like there aren't many people using windows 10 for mir lol, but someone had an issue resolved when they set the compatibility to windows vista (which makes no sense to me as vista sucked) but you can give that a try.

You may also want to try giving yourself extra permissions on the particular folder you have the game in, I recall when i first got windows 7 i had issues where the game wouldnt load correctly as i had moved the game folder from another machine, the permissions were a bit screwy - machine one username was admin and machine 2 username was Stuart so i didn't actually have permission to run the files in that particular folder.

With regards to the Obfuscator.xx warning, it appears that is the umbrella name for windows when they are actually saying, "We've found something, we havent got a clue what it is as it appears to have been hidden from us." (what they actually say is ""This threat has been "obfuscated", which means it has tried to hide its purpose so your security software doesn't detect it.The malware that lies underneath this obfuscation can have almost any purpose."" which i found here https://www.microsoft.com/security/...rTool:Win32/Obfuscator.XX&wa=wsignin1.0#tab=1

So i believe it is still the thermida ( i did have my spelling wrong ;-) ) anyway i found this nugget of info when i googled Thermida again :) (which kind of makes sense - i assume TheDeath didn't want people cracking his files after he had spent so long working on them.)

"Themida is a software protection product designed to prevent software from being "cracked" and does use encryption, therefore, is very difficult for any anti-virus to confirm one way or another if its malware. Un-fortunately, Themida is highly used by virus writers, keylogger writers, etc., to concel their malware.

So, all in all no one can actually be absolutely certain that when Themida is detected it is malware or a legit product....its your call."

Time for me to finish the support form and then spend a bit of time with Vamp as its our anniversary today and the evening is going to be stolen by Mir :)

(Ill have another scout about for windows 10 issues, - Could you have a look in your event viewer and see if you can find any errors appearing when you use the exe. (on windows 7 to access the even viewer Control Panel>Administrative Tools> Event viewer. - if its not the same on Win10 google will be your friend ;-) )

All the best



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
Oh absolutely. I'm not coming from a 'your .exe is virus!' angle I assure you, I just have to take matters like this seriously as it's part of my job - my pc is my life (both earnings and personal hobby) so I am almost anal about it's protection that's all.

Further investigating does show a type as 'Themedia' or similar, so its likely to be that still, just in a different format due to Essentials wording.
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
Oh absolutely. I'm not coming from a 'your .exe is virus!' angle I assure you, I just have to take matters like this seriously as it's part of my job - my pc is my life (both earnings and personal hobby) so I am almost anal about it's protection that's all.

Further investigating does show a type as 'Themedia' or similar, so its likely to be that still, just in a different format due to Essentials wording.

I completely understand, I used to be responsible for my works servers/machines security among everything else i did. (at an independent financial adviser firm) so i used to be quiet security hot there.

It would be nice if TheDeath managed to read this and could tell us definitively if Thermida was in fact the program he used to secure the exe, or if anyone that has worked closely with him might be able to shed some extra light. As i said before i dont recall ever having a problem with it and im in no way concerned, it would just be nice to know. :)

---------- Post Merged at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:02 PM ----------

Slipmatt, I've been looking about and it looks like there was a particular update with windows 10 which caused random programs to stop working.

the common fix for the issue appears to be using an elevated powershell command. (hope that makes sense to you, lol i havent ventured into the powershell at all really)

couple of references i found which might help:-



I expanded my google searching from "mir2 windows 10" -> "Legend of Mir windows 10" -> "Game not working on windows 10" -> "fail to launch windows 10"

if you continue to hunt down that road (if the powershell bit doesnt work) im sure there's a way of getting it to work. but for now I'm off out for an Anniversary Afternoon Tea.

All the best



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
What file set are these by the way? 2.3 or newer?

EDIT: Never mind it clearly says Extreme 2.3 lol


Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
Hey Lone cheers for looking into that, I havent actually been on my pc yet so ill try some of those things when i log on, in regards to powershelling i have no idea what it is but ill search about it and figure it out. Worst comes to worst ill just rollback to windows 8.

---------- Post Merged at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:58 PM ----------

Tried those things you stated and neither worked. Powershelling didn't work either. :/

2.3's exe is pretty damn old now but theres no reason it shouldn't be working, strange.

Adding to this, C# and Mir Revenge client's exe's both work. Hmm I'm stumped
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
I'm under the impression that the c# and mir revenge files are actually different (custom and 2.6 ) so I assume the exe file is also custom built and much newer. (Where was the reference to mir revenge working? The only bit I read on there was how lapta failed to get it working and just rolled back to windows 7 (it was working initially but after an update it suddenly stopped working for him) so you might be able to uninstall the updates and get it to work that way... although if you can roll back to a know working build I'd go for that option ;-) anyway vamp is back from the bathroom so back to tea i go :)
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Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
My bad sorry I should of specified, I have C# and Mir Revenge files on my PC and tested via that I wasn't going off reference, your probably right about custom exe's though. Maybe the only option I have is to roll back xD


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
rolling back is annoying but might be the quickest solution at the moment.

The server is now online if people would like to connect :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2009
rolling back is annoying but might be the quickest solution at the moment.

The server is now online if people would like to connect :)

Is there any room left for testing? Like to give it a go :P


Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
Iv actually realised the exe only runs in background processors and not in the foreground, after checking windows defender I also Have the Obfuscator.xx problem and even with adding exceptions to the files, folder and exe it still doesn't work. Rolling back windows to 8 wont help this as windows defender is build into that too. :/


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2009
Iv actually realised the exe only runs in background processors and not in the foreground, after checking windows defender I also Have the Obfuscator.xx problem and even with adding exceptions to the files, folder and exe it still doesn't work. Rolling back windows to 8 wont help this as windows defender is build into that too. :/

Im just downloading it on both computers now mate, ill have a little play with it and see what i can come up with ill post back when i have

Stelth Falcon

LOMCN n00bie
Aug 1, 2015
Hey hey lone
Its been a long time
Im old school extreme player
Im so sad that i wont be able to play with my old character

I hope there a way to backup the old files and to play with the same characters. ....really really I hope

I have many of questions to ask
But im only gonna ask u about the old Game Masters

GMThor will be ib this server? ?

Ur friend ......Emperor

P.S if somebody gunna steal my name ingame

I will definitely kick his balls
Hahahahahah ♥


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
For turning off windows defender (which is also another name for windows essentials) try the instructions in this link


it might help out.

Thank you Smidge for having a try with windows 10 - as mentioned before if you get it running ill immortalize you by sticking your name on a guide and hosting it for as long as possible :) aren't i lovely hehe.

With regards to the Old GMs and Characters, Thats a no im afraid. I have a backup of all the characters but theres no point starting the server again when a select few will have a huge advantage over the others from day 1.

so its everyone starting from lvl 40 again - all you get at the start is a pickaxe/candle/noob armour/noob sword.

Make sure to speak to Harrison in BW SZ and then speak to the Pet Replacer to get the level 40 pet (for some reason the level up pets don't appear to work correctly at the moment, its one of the things i will be looking into today.

Other feedback i have received so far has been mainly positive. only real criticism is the identical items! so ill be cracking on with those today/tomorrow (there's a few thousand of them so it might take a few hours)

Last night we had 11 people logged on without a single moment of lag (well my laptop lagged but players didnt experience any) So ill be sending out emails to the Late beta sign ups a little later on today.

If you would like to get an invite please sign up via the website - www.mmorpggeek.com this way i wont get confused trying to work out peoples LOMCN usernames/real names/email addresses and end up spamming people with invites.

anywho i need to pop out and see some family that have travelled nearly 500miles to visit :) will be back in a couple of hours to get cracking on the item skins


Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
Ill have a mess around with windows defender later and see if I can figure something out, damn how hard is it to play mir these days!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
Fixed mine btw.

Open Security Essentials, turn off 'RealTime Scanning'.
Add the extreme server in to the excluded folders.
Run the autopatcher again to download the .exe
Run the .exe. Enjoy.

Worked for me.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2009
Fixed mine btw.

Open Security Essentials, turn off 'RealTime Scanning'.
Add the extreme server in to the excluded folders.
Run the autopatcher again to download the .exe
Run the .exe. Enjoy.

Worked for me.

Nice one dude i was just about to post that but you beat me to it, seems to have worked for me and Wargod so im guessing it should work for everybody else


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
you guys are awesome! ill get it added to the site when i start working on it again instead of the inital bug fixes :)

Wizard swords have now had their graphics changed so they dont look identical for every level!

Will get cracking on tao and wars now :) (theres over 600 items in that one particular batch of items when you include the rings braces etc) then ill have to do it all over again for the extreme kit lol @ the joys of having built something quite large :)

anyway, thanks again for working that out :) very helpful!

Back to work i go.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2009
Its only a little thing but would it be possible to have an @town command to take you back to Bichon? some of the teleports dont automatically give you a TT and people like me always forget one :P


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
we swapped @town to @safe where you can dump pets without clogging up the BW SZ ^.^ theres a npc to tele you directly to bw sz in the middle of the @safe map :)

(theres also some statues in there of the players that hit level 200 last time the server was online.)