Having a little private play around with the Zircon files


Aug 19, 2018
Mir2 player/monster lib support added.

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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Jamie makes the "best servers" simply because he puts the effort into it.
A lot of time and work has gone into his servers, mainly from a coding perspective. He doesn't just grab a source and add a random shybo spell or mob animation or even these really bad looking effects I've seen some people use lately. His servers are clean, tidy and simple because that's what mir is... A simple game.
Where he lacks (This is from Zircon only as I didn't play Marble) is getting the content and balance right... He's a bit too gungho :lol
If he had someone beside him who could make the whole content and basically run it for him, it would be even better.

On Easymode... His intentions? Who knows. He could be genuine and if he's willing to release his work in future it could help out this community, not LOMCN but the whole Mir community or it could all be some sort of wind up to cause a big stirr... we'll soon see.

The main problem with mir is when people started profiting from servers. I get that people put a lot of time into servers these days and are more than entitled to get something back from it, but at least give something back to the community... Like Jamie did. If it wasn't for his Crystal files, where would we be now? An honest answer from server owners, creators, coders welcome (I know some people do release stuff, so this is not aimed at certain people, the community in general).


Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
Yeah sorry I just don't understand this notion.

You speak of him working on this outside of LOMCN, then speak of "split the community"? Sounds like it's you who wants to split the community. Save everyone the hassle? Having an extra open-source Mir2 server option available, one based on (and presumably the goal is to support all the features included in the client) the best Mir client we've ever seen yet? Yeah ahh damn that's so much hassle. Who wants that, right?

Don't get me wrong, I understand why Jamie would be pissed off, seriously. Wouldn't be too pleased if that was my work. But this is an MMO private server community forum. Not a Zircon server forum. Not a *insert list of LOMCN favoured servers here* group forum. A central, Legend of Mir forum. Things like this might not be in the best interests of certain individuals of this forum, but in terms of Legend of Mir... I struggle to see a negative aspect, and honestly I'm shocked that some of the big boys want this guy out of here. If this guy gets chucked out, I'm not sure this could then be considered the central LoM forum.

Anyway serious mode off, just gonna watch the drama unfold personally.

Lol can't believe how many people agree with this, taking from multi millionaire ££ companys and somebody who's put so much into this tiny forum is totally differen't.. Jamie has every ****ing right to keep his source's private, without him and far everybody would still be on Heroes, everybody is such an ungreatful **** on this forum, everybody who agree's with this should just go **** off to a differen't forum like Lapta did with his small community and see how well you get on with somebody else's hard work.

What i was getting at with split in community is he's ripping of one of the best coders we have, that doesn't look well does it.. And if it can't be advertised here then it's going to cause a split regardless ? Just factual information your brainless ****. You go code something for months and months on end ( on Jamie's sleepless hours aswell ) and then Half a year + Live updates, let somebody steal it and slowly release for any dumb **** to make some £ off it, lets see how you feel.


Jun 30, 2011
Fife, Scotland
Jamie makes the "best servers" simply because he puts the effort into it.
The main problem with mir is when people started profiting from servers. I get that people put a lot of time into servers these days and are more than entitled to get something back from it, but at least give something back to the community... Like Jamie did. If it wasn't for his Crystal files, where would we be now? An honest answer from server owners, creators, coders welcome (I know some people do release stuff, so this is not aimed at certain people, the community in general).

If it wasn't for crystal release I would still be bashing my head trying to learn Delphi or use NPC scripts to get features I've always wanted.

And because of this release the likes of Far have taken it and advanced on it greatly, the only problem with this is people profiting from their work and not giving back.

There is only a handful of stuff that is original creation and not stolen, such as Akaras's minimap creator, which I admit I did decompile and modify to make my google maps API map viewer (Preview here).

I understand this must be as frustrating for Jamie as it was for WeMade, but this is not an open source game, a lot of the files we have are either stolen, or cracked emulators, the only difference with this new emulator is that it isn't stolen, it's being created from the ground up.

I think the reason he is using the Zircon client is because it has some advancements that Crystal just does not have at the moment and it may be easier to copy the crystal code to Zircon rather than touching up Crystal.

I like the concept of this, I'm interested to see how it all ends up, once the source is released will the community take it to the levels of Crystal or further, or it could flop, but at least he is using his knowledge and skills to provide more content for a community that either wasn't to play a Mir server or to create their own.

People say it's an honor when others copy your work, I guess this is one honor Jamie would rather pass on :P But it's done, and if EasyMode doesn't do it, someone else will.


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
The main problem with mir is when people started profiting from servers. I get that people put a lot of time into servers these days and are more than entitled to get something back from it, but at least give something back to the community... Like Jamie did. If it wasn't for his Crystal files, where would we be now? An honest answer from server owners, creators, coders welcome (I know some people do release stuff, so this is not aimed at certain people, the community in general).

if it wasnt for crystal i would also still be using heroes and using npc scripting to create content. Funnily i found my old HeroesEU Envir folder the other day and the amount of work i had to do to bypass my lack of coding was astounding lol

there are only a handful of people who have continued to make crystal what it is and made it completely transparent for the community to use and without those people i think most of us would still be playing chronicles (not that thats a bad thing, chrons was amazing when i played it)

there are two types of crystal servers from what ive seen, Daneos envir server just edited slightly and put up for a quick buck

or those who have taken the base of crystal and altered it to suit there needs and made changes that havent been shared and kept closed doors because they have something no one else does so it will pull in the players and in essence pull in the money

its always nice to see people who release content and help people understand the files, its what lomcn means to me anyway.

im keen to see how this project goes and wish them the best of luck, but im also of the angle of, if this was truly a "private play with zircon files" why make this thread in the first place, it comes across as a "sticking your wedding tackle in a lions mouth and flicking its love spuds with a wet towel"


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 28, 2005
Lol can't believe how many people agree with this, taking from multi millionaire ££ companys and somebody who's put so much into this tiny forum is totally differen't.. Jamie has every ****ing right to keep his source's private, without him and far everybody would still be on Heroes, everybody is such an ungreatful **** on this forum, everybody who agree's with this should just go **** off to a differen't forum like Lapta did with his small community and see how well you get on with somebody else's hard work.

What i was getting at with split in community is he's ripping of one of the best coders we have, that doesn't look well does it.. And if it can't be advertised here then it's going to cause a split regardless ? Just factual information your brainless ****. You go code something for months and months on end ( on Jamie's sleepless hours aswell ) and then Half a year + Live updates, let somebody steal it and slowly release for any dumb **** to make some £ off it, lets see how you feel.

Did I hit a nerve there? Your nose is so far up peoples arse holes you've got **** up your nostrils mate. Your mind is so one dimensional you're comparable to a member of a cult. This reply literally ****ing matches that avatar you've got there spot on.

This guy (if he's doing what he's claiming to) is also building a server from ground up, he'll probably have a tougher time making it compatible with this client than creating his own. Seems to be doing it for the learning experience (or just to be a dick who knows). Yes, Jamie does have every right to keep his source private, I didn't dispute that. He had any right to obfuscate his source which he chose not to, and anyone has the right to try and crack it, build and advertise anything they want in an MMO private server community.

I'm super grateful to everyone whose worked on the Crystal source, seriously almost everything I've learned about programming so far has been via the Crystal source. I can't thank them enough, and I hope to be able to give something back someday. But you've got to give other people room to come on the scene as well. Personally I just think it'd be awesome to see essentially the same program, in the same language that's been coded by different people. How differently people might approach the same problems etc.

If Jamie is so confident in his servers (which he should be) he wouldn't be afraid of this at all. Even if he completely open sourced it himself, do you really reckon people here will put as much/more effort in to run a better ship? The Crystal source for example. Incredible code (although I'm really not qualified to judge it objectively with my experience lets be honest). But thus far, have you seen a #1 usercount server ran on Crystal yet? Don't think I have. It's more than capable of it, its just most GM's aren't willing to put the effort in to actually create something different and unique that captures people.

Competition is a healthy thing. So get your backwards-minded green baby brown nose out of peoples assholes. Stop campaigning for segregation, you anti-freedom prick.

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2014
Lol can't believe how many people agree with this, taking from multi millionaire ££ companys and somebody who's put so much into this tiny forum is totally differen't

Theft is theft, pretending there is a difference is just ignorant.


May 7, 2018

Not at all, I just seems like a kick in the teeth for those that worked on crystal files.

It's like using the name of zircon and the work of crystal, it takes the piss out of both projects.

Dress it up how you like man , still coming across as extremely salty, perhaps you should have thought about some anti-piracy measures haha

Really do hope he makes a set of files and releases them

Also not entirely sure if Shane is trolling or not, but if you guys are indeed working on another server for yet another xmas release (surely you've milked enough money from the community by now to not keep releasing **** over xmas?) then all your zircon players may aswell stop playing now , as much like marble , zircon will be slowly phased out.

laughable to say the least.
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Dress it up how you like man , still coming across as extremely salty, perhaps you should have thought about some anti-piracy measures haha

Really do hope he makes a set of files and releases them

Also not entirely sure if Shane is trolling or not, but if you guys are indeed working on another server for yet another xmas release (surely you've milked enough money from the community by now to not keep releasing **** over xmas?) then all your zircon players may aswell stop playing now , as much like marble , zircon will be slowly phased out.

laughable to say the least.

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LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
Dress it up how you like man , still coming across as extremely salty, perhaps you should have thought about some anti-piracy measures haha

Really do hope he makes a set of files and releases them

Also not entirely sure if Shane is trolling or not, but if you guys are indeed working on another server for yet another xmas release (surely you've milked enough money from the community by now to not keep releasing **** over xmas?) then all your zircon players may aswell stop playing now , as much like marble , zircon will be slowly phased out.

laughable to say the least.

I not sure why you care what we are doing, you won't be playing it, so its of little consequence to you.


Feb 1, 2010
I not sure why you care what we are doing, you won't be playing it, so its of little consequence to you.

honestly i'd love to know if there is another server, if so i dont really wanna waste anymore time on Zircon we seen this happen in the past with marble once before.

cause no doubt if you release another server Zircon will die out, i would rather know sooner rather than later.

i dont think anyone would like to waste time on a dying server if your planning on releasing something new... Mir2 or Mir3 people love fresh starts = zircon will die or close just as marble did.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
honestly i'd love to know if there is another server, if so i dont really wanna waste anymore time on Zircon we seen this happen in the past with marble once before.

cause no doubt if you release another server Zircon will die out, i would rather know sooner rather than later.

i dont think anyone would like to waste time on a dying server if your planning on releasing something new... Mir2 or Mir3 people love fresh starts = zircon will die or close just as marble did.

That's a load of bullshit.

Server don't need to die, because other server come up, better it brings competition Jamie will need to do better job to stay afloat. Still I think he is great coder, but one of the worst gms, lack the social skill, ignore players.

Other server could have advantage in social skill, but Jamie still can do better coding.
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Feb 1, 2010
That's a load of bullshit.

Server don't need to die, because other server come up, better it brings competition Jamie will need to do better job to start afloat. Still I think he is great coder, but one of the worst gms, lack the social skill, ignore players.

Other server could have advantage in social skill, but Jamie still can do better coding.

bullshit ?

Explain how?

this has already happened once before if you haven't been following.

when jamie started working on another 'project' marble went downhill and jamie said he would keep it online but wont update the server, therefor people just quit it after a few weeks of the non updates..

they made everything easy on marble to squeeze the life out of what was left of marble at the time...

iv played both jamies servers and noticed the same things happening in repeat, i was asking due to im not wanting to go down the same route as last time and waste anymore time on something that wont last much longer due to a new 'project' that will kill off his current server.

i'm speaking for a lot of people because no doubt this question is running through a lot of players minds.

--Edit - no hate towards Zircon cause i have enjoyed playing it --

P.s if thats xavier on that account i expected a little more knowledge.
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LOMCN Veteran
May 26, 2011
honestly i'd love to know if there is another server, if so i dont really wanna waste anymore time on Zircon we seen this happen in the past with marble once before.

cause no doubt if you release another server Zircon will die out, i would rather know sooner rather than later.

i dont think anyone would like to waste time on a dying server if your planning on releasing something new... Mir2 or Mir3 people love fresh starts = zircon will die or close just as marble did.

Another server you say?




LOMCN Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
bullshit ?

Explain how?

this has already happened once before if you haven't been following.

when jamie started working on another 'project' marble went downhill and jamie said he would keep it online but wont update the server, therefor people just quit it after a few weeks of the non updates..

they made everything easy on marble to squeeze the life out of what was left of marble at the time...

iv played both jamies servers and noticed the same things happening in repeat, i was asking due to im not wanting to go down the same route as last time and waste anymore time on something that wont last much longer due to a new 'project' that will kill off his current server.

i'm speaking for a lot of people because no doubt this question is running through a lot of players minds.

--Edit - no hate towards Zircon cause i have enjoyed playing it --

P.s if thats xavier on that account i expected a little more knowledge.

Maybe marble had no means to be improved, reason for other project?

Not defending Jamie, as I don't like him, but competition should actually bring more focus to GMs,
and help them improve their ****, not to stay on forums fighting each other.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Maybe marble had no means to be improved, reason for other project?

Not defending Jamie, as I don't like him, but competition should actually bring more focus to GMs,
and help them improve their ****, not to stay on forums fighting each other.

Players literally made lots of threads like asking jamie why he just left server with no notice and i remember he said "Just waiting for new CPU" then weeks passed and rumours had is saying he was playing RotA.(Rise of the archons)
Looks like its happening again how Excala said, no updates for weeks, he has more interest in "trolling zedina just for fun" than investing again time on his server.

But at this means, its not his fault. This community is just a cash cow for him.