What do you do?


Jun 28, 2004
welll in and out of jobs every 2 min, mainly office work tempin, but am on the roley doley. n when not doin that spendin time wiv the lady
other then that nofin lol


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 12, 2006
I'm on the dole as well, a complete an utter lazy bum...I'm out at 10 most nights and in by 3 or 4. There's no real thing pushing me to stop this since it's "summer" or thats my excuse right? I do the odd bit of house work but not nearly enough.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Yr 12

When im off on weekends, i get drunk, stoned and the usual teenage ****.

Im Drunk now, its 12:19am i gotta get up at 7am take a ****, get ready for school have brekky and fk off to school, fall asleep every lesson, come home, play WoW, then cs 1.6 go to bed, and repeat everyday.

Ahh those were the days lol. Exactly what I used to be like, apart from the WoW & CSS, I would get home from school & be straight back out the door.

finally someone who sees my way of thinking. my mates think its wierd that i dont go out to pull, would much rather have a decent time with my m8s.

I agree with you 2's. I never go out to pull, I go out to have a laugh with the boys, if I pull it's a bonus.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 9, 2004
Yr 12

When im off on weekends, i get drunk, stoned and the usual teenage ****.

Im Drunk now, its 12:19am i gotta get up at 7am take a ****, get ready for school have brekky and fk off to school, fall asleep every lesson, come home, play WoW, then cs 1.6 go to bed, and repeat everyday.

Bad habits =p, ive been doing that for the past few years and haven't been able to stop =x. Also my tolerance is far too high now, life is so more expensive than it used to be lol!

finally someone who sees my way of thinking. my mates think its wierd that i dont go out to pull, would much rather have a decent time with my m8s.

I'm exactly the same, luckily most of my mates are the same as me, but distant friends seem to think i'm strange for not going out on the pull =/.

I'm currently between uni courses. Just done a year of Financial Maths, but dropped out about 2 months ago, as it was insanely boring and the fact that i believe im a completely different guy to who i used to be, and no longer have practically any of the same ambitions i had a year ago.

Dossing about at the moment, spending overdrafts and getting into more and more debt, but im also desperately looking for a job! Start Psychology with Criminology in October, so i'm quite looking forward to that!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Bad habits =p, ive been doing that for the past few years and haven't been able to stop =x. Also my tolerance is far too high now, life is so more expensive than it used to be lol!

Haha I know how you feel. Beer or bud = overly expensive night now.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 9, 2009
finally someone who sees my way of thinking. my mates think its wierd that i dont go out to pull, would much rather have a decent time with my m8s.

I'm the same also, but as a result I stopped goin out with them full stop. It got to the stage where the only thing we'd do on a night out is go clubbin and try and pull munters. Sorry, not my cup of tea.

I dont have a job either n I cant go on the dole over here so i'm pretty much ****ed and I dont really do **** all most of the time. Seems i'm either asleep or looking for a job. sick of it
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Go on the pull for munters... surely you can see you problem here. xD

I was sick of it a week after being unemployed. The lack of jobs gets more annoying every week.


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 15, 2004
finally someone who sees my way of thinking. my mates think its wierd that i dont go out to pull, would much rather have a decent time with my m8s.

couldn't agree more, guys who go out solely for the purpose to go on the pull are in my view desperate, town isn't a great place to meet someone, some steaming bird whos probably slept around half of the town, nice woman don't go out over town and pull, its the wrong sort of woman that do lol


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
couldn't agree more, guys who go out solely for the purpose to go on the pull are in my view desperate, town isn't a great place to meet someone, some steaming bird whos probably slept around half of the town, nice woman don't go out over town and pull, its the wrong sort of woman that do lol

Yeah, apparently there's only 1 place to find a real woman...

www.eharmony.co.uk - damn this advert pisses me off.
(Quite odd how this advert came on as I clicked this thread xD).

In all seriousness though, where I'm from, you could quite easily go into town and find a bird or 2 who are serious... not just looking for press. In fairness though my town isn't exactly a clubland, we have 12 pubs, not 1 club (Apart from your usual social club). I see what you mean though, local towns for a half decent night out near me are Staines, Woking or Kingston, each place contains 99% sluts tbh.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Work as an IT Systems Technician - 8:30-5pm.

Tuesday nights play football, rest of the week I tend to stay in and chil out, do a bit of studying and play some WoW. Now and then I will go for a couple o drinks local with some mates.

Weekends depends on my mood/money situation. But the football season starts soon so my weekends will get busier!


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
University Student, entering my final year of a Film and Drama Studies degree at Kent University, hoping to go into the film industry some how, animation if i get my own way, but my degree is alot of theory in context and concept so i don't intend to be an animator.

I also work part time in 2-3 different jobs depending on my location, at the moment i'm working at a health club whilst back home doing a few different departments, which gives me all the hours i need.
Days are either spent studying, working (more so when home), with lass, with mates (more so when at uni), or dossing about online/xbox.

Im surprised (well actually maybe im not....) that the majority of the people whom act like the know it all and start the flame wars on most the threads are those that are on the dole... Obviously they havn't got much better to be doing. You know it's never too late to get an actual education -- you can even visit Lomcn while you do it (crazy i know...)



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
I'm on the dole, but I do have 2 NVQ's which could get me a job quite easily. Thing with me is, the NVQ's I have will get me a job similar to my previous employment, which I don't want. Have enrolled in college for September though.

Around where I am though there are basically no jobs at all. Unless you wanna be a cleaner - maybe I'm being too fussy, but oh well.

Also, just because people are on the dole, doesn't mean they don't have income through other 'work'.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
I'm on the dole, but I do have 2 NVQ's which could get me a job quite easily. Thing with me is, the NVQ's I have will get me a job similar to my previous employment, which I don't want. Have enrolled in college for September though.

Around where I am though there are basically no jobs at all. Unless you wanna be a cleaner - maybe I'm being too fussy, but oh well.

Also, just because people are on the dole, doesn't mean they don't have income through other 'work'.

NO way, not a vocational qualification. Still fair play to you, two of them, you're probs more educated that 50% of mir players. Haha :P

And you have other means of income, excuse me whilst i bathe in your coolnes. Seriously...



Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
NO way, not a vocational qualification. Still fair play to you, two of them, you're probs more educated that 50% of mir players. Haha :P

And you have other means of income, excuse me whilst i bathe in your coolnes. Seriously...


You need to understand that people cant always be what you expect of them.

Ive just completed a NVQ course and I'm happy with it. Ive received other qualification whilst completing my NVQ like, Cabin Crew, Reps, Aviation First Aid, Just stuff like that.

Its my path and its what I have chosen to do.

Dont mock people for making a decision that has nothing to do with you.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
You need to understand that people cant always be what you expect of them.

Ive just completed a NVQ course and I'm happy with it. Ive received other qualification whilst completing my NVQ like, Cabin Crew, Reps, Aviation First Aid, Just stuff like that.

Its my path and its what I have chosen to do.

Dont mock people for making a decision that has nothing to do with you.

Out of curiosity, did you do your Travel NVQ at a college, or was it a WBL NVQ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
I was taking the piss. I live on my own, have my own mortgage and work as a systems developer for a FTSE 100 organisation. In fact I've recently been headhunted for a business analyst contract job in Canary Wharf working for the FSA. Oh, and my mum's long dead.

I just figured if I started off with low expectations people would be honest, and it worked.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 26, 2006
South Wales
Musician. In Royal College of Music in Cardiff studying music composition. Not particularly enjoying it, but I'm learning I guess. I'm only doing it so I can get a degree and emigrate to Canadialand/Australia.

Other than that, I gig and work part-time behind bar in Newport (South Wales). 1/8th of weed a week. Go to bannatynes gym 3 times a week (1 1/2 workouts) with mates and weekly train at an MMA Gym in Bristol.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 5, 2009
Sat on my backside looking for a part time job before i go to college in september for a National Diploma in Public Services.
(just left high school)
train for Huddersfield Saint Joseph's Sharks Under 17's (rugby league team) on Tuesday and Thursday's waiting for the season to start in September
also go to the gym Monday Wednesday and Friday's
and spend time with the girlfriend when ever i can.

there's my life atm wrapped up in one lol