MirZero 2.3

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
Not sure on the rules of double posting. THough i shall this once, if your not allowed.

is the server down at the moment? Or have i done somthing wrong :P


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 13, 2008
well i played the server for a couple of weeks and my honest opinion is here , games interesting at the beginning cos u can lvl to 40-50 in first couple of hours , then game goes down hill from there , u start to run out of things to do , then u start doing the same things over and over again , ( killing bosses for kit ) then at end u end up stood in bw chatting to everyone else , the owner is just plain arrogant (gm zero) only talks to you if he wants to , server can be quite laggy at times also the other 2 gms thor and ultimachia are friendly and they will chat , but it seems they are doing all the work and
gm lazy oops i mean zero seems to just sit bk , the good stuff like pros and paras are not in game ( wonder why ermmm) , theres friendly people on the server who are willing to help you if u need it also , people usually get to 60-70 then leave game out of boredom the ones that are higher are playing it because they have put the effort into get there lol , when i started the user count was 20+ now ur lucky to hit 12 and its dwindling every other day , u give the gms idea but overall its down to zero to decide whether they get done or not , (i.e. fox kit got made 1 day and roughly 3 days later it got put in the drop files ) ,zero does not seem interested in what players have to say to make improvement to game he just ignores all and does what he wants , maybe thats his right as owner but , his user count is dropping because of it , you can donate for gamegold which is roughly 10 pounds for 1000 gamegold , u can buy exp tokens x4 for 450 gg each , so u get 30 mins of a lvl boost , the gamegold npc is not even finished , and no matter how many times u point this out to zero u get ignored or told ye i do it later !!!
overall servers ok in my opinion UNTIL the boredom sets in lol then u want to move elsewhere .........


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
lol.. Seriously, somone with problems right there

Kelvin, i dont know if you realise but no one wants to hear what you think about mir.

If you dont like a server, or you have been bullied. Or your jst in a bad mood. Dont come ranting on here at GM's who put up free servers for your ungreatful arses to play.

Basically we have a kid here who has not enjoyed himself. Or has just got bored of it not being a high rate and wanted to complain.

In actual fact, the server is great. The people are also great. Granted the server has slowed down abit due to people liek this spitting there dummy's out. Though i do know that they have been working on 2.6 and are still doing. There also planning to revamp 2.3 untill 2.6 is ready.

This is mir, boss killing and leveling/pking/talking is what mir is about. I'm not quite sure what your in it for, but if you want a high rate. Why dont you play one? You cant come on a server which is not ment to be high rate and complain because it gets a bit slower and harder.


if you dont like a server, stop playing and find a new one. Not come off it and tell the whole world, your opinon. Makes you look stupid.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 31, 2006
lol.. Seriously, somone with problems right there

Kelvin, i dont know if you realise but no one wants to hear what you think about mir.

If you dont like a server, or you have been bullied. Or your jst in a bad mood. Dont come ranting on here at GM's who put up free servers for your ungreatful arses to play.

Basically we have a kid here who has not enjoyed himself. Or has just got bored of it not being a high rate and wanted to complain.

In actual fact, the server is great. The people are also great. Granted the server has slowed down abit due to people liek this spitting there dummy's out. Though i do know that they have been working on 2.6 and are still doing. There also planning to revamp 2.3 untill 2.6 is ready.

This is mir, boss killing and leveling/pking/talking is what mir is about. I'm not quite sure what your in it for, but if you want a high rate. Why dont you play one? You cant come on a server which is not ment to be high rate and complain because it gets a bit slower and harder.


if you dont like a server, stop playing and find a new one. Not come off it and tell the whole world, your opinon. Makes you look stupid.

firstly i wud take advice off sumone who been on LOMCN longer then Feb 2010 -- he wasnt slating the server - he said server was all gd till you got higher in lvl o0 where does he mention about highrate or lowrate ???

I know kevin very well from the past and he has had a server before with a gd usercount.

Unfortunatley yes it is GMZeros server so yes he can make do wot he likes.
You talk about him working on a 2.6 and revamping 2.3 ........

If peeps are getting bored of this server then if this 2.6 ever gets realeased then the usercount on that will be low due to this.

I wud agree with ya if he slated the server but clearly he hasnt its an opinion that EVERYONE is entitled to ..... remember that.

Server isnt for me i got bored quickly .. left started a new ..



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
i've been a memeber alot longer than 2010. This just happens to be my new account since coming back to mir. I have forgotten my others.

he was complaining that after 50 it got boring as it doesnt take him an hour to do 15 levels.

He also continued to say that it was boring having to kill bosses.. Wah?

Actualy he was insulting the gms and the server.. An opinon would be, for example

I did like the server up to about level 50/55 then the leveling got a little to boring and repetative, i think it could of been made easier. I also think it lacked things to do, as all i found myself doing was hunting bosses, which i dont really like.

Overall, i did like the server. There would just be a few things need changing for me to keep intrested

Opinon - soultion - king regards.

Instead we got. GM is arrogant, it got boring. Ramble ramble i dont like it.

That is more of an insult than an opinon, and in all rights. No he is not intitled to slag people off.

and if his server was that good, why is he on other peoples.

I mentioned high rate and low, due to his complaints about it getting boring after 50. "It was fun up to 50 as you get it in 4 hours, then you run out of things to do"
I asumed he enjoyed fast leveling? So a high rate would be for him no?


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 13, 2008
i've been a memeber alot longer than 2010. This just happens to be my new account since coming back to mir. I have forgotten my others.

he was complaining that after 50 it got boring as it doesnt take him an hour to do 15 levels.

He also continued to say that it was boring having to kill bosses.. Wah?

Actualy he was insulting the gms and the server.. An opinon would be, for example

I did like the server up to about level 50/55 then the leveling got a little to boring and repetative, i think it could of been made easier. I also think it lacked things to do, as all i found myself doing was hunting bosses, which i dont really like.

Overall, i did like the server. There would just be a few things need changing for me to keep intrested

Opinon - soultion - king regards.

Instead we got. GM is arrogant, it got boring. Ramble ramble i dont like it.

That is more of an insult than an opinon, and in all rights. No he is not intitled to slag people off.

and if his server was that good, why is he on other peoples.

I mentioned high rate and low, due to his complaints about it getting boring after 50. "It was fun up to 50 as you get it in 4 hours, then you run out of things to do"
I asumed he enjoyed fast leveling? So a high rate would be for him no?

firstly for your info im in the top 8 highest on server and im lvl 65+ so yes i have played it for abit and im not lvl 50+......
when u get to 65 u do lack things to do so prove me wrong !!!
and if i wanted to play a high rate why did i stick around to get into the top 8 highest on server ?????
get ur facts right b4 u start assuming im a kid .......
and everything else i stated on my original thread is still correct !!!!!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 8, 2007
i've been a memeber alot longer than 2010. This just happens to be my new account since coming back to mir. I have forgotten my others.

he was complaining that after 50 it got boring as it doesnt take him an hour to do 15 levels.

He also continued to say that it was boring having to kill bosses.. Wah?

Actualy he was insulting the gms and the server.. An opinon would be, for example

I did like the server up to about level 50/55 then the leveling got a little to boring and repetative, i think it could of been made easier. I also think it lacked things to do, as all i found myself doing was hunting bosses, which i dont really like.

Overall, i did like the server. There would just be a few things need changing for me to keep intrested

Opinon - soultion - king regards.

Instead we got. GM is arrogant, it got boring. Ramble ramble i dont like it.

That is more of an insult than an opinon, and in all rights. No he is not intitled to slag people off.

and if his server was that good, why is he on other peoples.

I mentioned high rate and low, due to his complaints about it getting boring after 50. "It was fun up to 50 as you get it in 4 hours, then you run out of things to do"
I asumed he enjoyed fast leveling? So a high rate would be for him no?


Also my opinion, you fail.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
In all honesty..

I dont care who you are, what level you were or for how long you have played mir.

I'm trying to state that coming on LOMCN and slagging a server off, because you got bored.
THough i think i know who you are, and you actualy left because you had a fight with the gms.. otherwise you were on nearly every day. SO it couldnt of been that crap.
Your bascially coming on here for revenge on the fact he upset you.

So all the people sticking up for Kevin, your lookin equaly as thick, as his reasons were more for the fact, he is upset with the gms.. not because he generally disliked the server. He was on nearly all day every day up till then.

The server is great, yes it is lacking people and its heading for 2.6 so things are looking up. I suggest anyone who wants a new serve with a nice community, who likes to kill bosses/pk and do group activities to join. L

Gms are great, working there arse off, to keep us intrested and to get 2.6 working!

Currently its got +xp till its updated to 2.6 so anyone could get a nice level and be able to hunt =)

p.s if your not who i think you are, though i have been told. 65 is not in the top 3 =/


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 8, 2007
In all honesty..

I dont care who you are, what level you were or for how long you have played mir.

I'm trying to state that coming on LOMCN and slagging a server off, because you got bored.
THough i think i know who you are, and you actualy left because you had a fight with the gms.. otherwise you were on nearly every day. SO it couldnt of been that crap.
Your bascially coming on here for revenge on the fact he upset you.

So all the people sticking up for Kevin, your lookin equaly as thick, as his reasons were more for the fact, he is upset with the gms.. not because he generally disliked the server. He was on nearly all day every day up till then.

The server is great, yes it is lacking people and its heading for 2.6 so things are looking up. I suggest anyone who wants a new serve with a nice community, who likes to kill bosses/pk and do group activities to join. L

Gms are great, working there arse off, to keep us intrested and to get 2.6 working!

Currently its got +xp till its updated to 2.6 so anyone could get a nice level and be able to hunt =)

p.s if your not who i think you are, though i have been told. 65 is not in the top 3 =/

He said top 8.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
3 or 8, he aint anymore =)

Sorry iceman. Just annoyed!

Can all the posts just be deleted anyway. None of it is constructive.


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 13, 2008
well everyones entitled to there opinion on the server in question .....
secondly i didnt bring to lomcn the argument i had with the gm EITHER ,
as its nothing to do with u or anyone else ...
i stated the server gets stale and boring at lvl 65+ and it becomes the same old thing
log on go kill bosses do a little bit of lvling and then stand in bw afk , hence why people have left !!!!
and as u put it i didnt slag server off i just stated my opinion which im assuming is allowed or do i have to come to you for consent about what i put b4 i put it ????
i have given my constructive critisism on this server in which people can either take or ignore !!!!!!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 21, 2010
No, you stated an opinon in which you developed after you had an argument with the gms. Thus your opinon was very firey and was directed at specific people as well as specific, what you think are problems with the server.

There for, it was infact just you havng a moan about the server and that you got bored and you dislike it..

opinons are usually just points in which you diliked about the server. backed up by a possible solution. Your post was just aimed to make the server look bad.

You forgot to say that you really enjoed the server up till the arguement and that you spent nearly every day online..

basically you left due to the arguement? So why come on her flaming the server?


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 13, 2008
as i see your taking this out of all context and making such a big fuss about it my thoughts on the server STILL STAND if u dont like it .....build a bridge and get over it !!!!!
or ask me nicely and i will throw u a tissue for your issues tbh
everyones entitled to there opinions on the said server without people like u trawling thru the forums and slating them just cos they feel they have to .........
i gave my opinion on the server and my thoughts on it when u get to a certain lvl, if i need to bring up the argument i had with the gms just to give u another reason to give yet another boring slating to then i will , i didnt once say KEEP AWAY FROM THE SERVER COS ITS **** AND THERE ARE BETTER OUT THERE !!!!
i merely pointed out my views which clearly have nothing to do with u what so ever ANYWAY .......
remember everyones entitled to there opinion U HAVE URS ---- I HAVE MINE !!!!!!!!


Lena 💪
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2010
Well server has been fun in last few days, yes the user count isn't as high but still fun with friends hunting all day :) leveling bin made easy're come play catch up let me pk tousss :D

Come play good fun