Recent content by auntsally

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  1. Bandet 1.9 (Would you play)

    any news on a client coz i wanna play bad!!! i hear bandit was ded gd /k_Jonzy
  2. Mob settings

    yes very true but what is this thread made for ? it would be hard it u set a mob level to 80 kill it then lvl it to 82 and notice a difference this thread is about what tha TBL_MONSTER means so testing urself aint allways the best way as the person testing mite be new to mir
  3. ProphecyMir : Time For A New Era

    good luck on the server, looks like youve put alot of hard work into it. can someone shut nopk11 up with his constant flammings or is this a free for all forum?
  4. Mir Revenge [Best Server]?

    mir revenge might not be everyones cup of tea, but it has the best community and player count which is why its so popular.ben u was banned for for exploiting and being a general tit as u have been from other servers.didnt see you slagging it off when you was on it donating for items on it and...