Recent content by Despair

  1. Despair


    Be sorted wen i get 40 Pounds to bvuy new Ram
  2. Despair

    Selling Cheap Online Radios, Small Resellers And Webhosting

    justy cos i got 1337 i take the piss grow up u sad twat
  3. Despair


    Its now back online ill be looking for a new gm due to a gm giving out rare items but dont keep asking and asking the ip is the same just get on here ppl :) no more down time only for adding new things /TV
  4. Despair


    fubu atm damily problems as soon as i get paid thgis month ill upgrade pc and bb so no lag and server be up in buot 10mins
  5. Despair


    i no i cant get lag sorted right away
  6. Despair


    Be up tomz due to hosting problems atm ok
  7. Despair

    Selling Cheap Online Radios, Small Resellers And Webhosting

    Selling Cheap Online Radios, Small Resellers And Webhosting add me to msn [email protected] for info
  8. Despair


    it will and ppl who cheat good luck to them but as i say it to do with the npc i tak npcs out still dont do nowt its a cheat which will end mir so all ppl who making servers look out
  9. Despair


    no there is a cheat out there which dose it its a koran cheat thats wat will bring mir down to nothing tbh i fear it its back online now
  10. Despair


    Yes wen i have sorted out the cheats and the NPCs which they have getting them from :) So all in good time EDIT:!i will sort the things out later any cheats then just tell me on msn
  11. Despair


    OmegaServer back online now soz bout it there shouldnt be any lag lol so sorted guys
  12. Despair


    Candy man ppl like it so just stfu and soz bout downtime due to pc problems there will be new maps added later today wen i get back from seeing my dad it will be hosted all day to day and 24/7 after :) ok TY for ur time ppl
  13. Despair


    If any experianced serevr maker wants to become part of the team they can(Doaky)
  14. Despair


    Its easy lvling and it will be hosted 24/7 i had a power cut last night and the comp turned off so it went down last night will be up 24/7 once i get some things sorted the item and arm patchs are found at i will get some fourms and a site done where download will be...
  15. Despair

    Cheap Webhosting at...

    iam not thew boss -.-my m8 is and i just got into the busniess and iam just learn some things about it