Recent content by JohnLenovo

  1. Euro copy - your thoughts

    I don't know if that reply is directed at me, but in case it was, my feedback :) LOMCN = how many active people? 100? GamePOTUSA has a lot more than 100 active players. After seeing what Mir looks like with 50 people online (reunited), I realised how many people were on gamepot. I reckon on...
  2. Euro copy - your thoughts

    As a former GamepotUSA player, I just want to see a server that has - low rate - a population - no home made /custom items no matter how creative you are - no added maps that weren't on gamepot Basically, create a clone of GamepotUSA's version and you will attract the majority of its players...
  3. Mir 2 reunited

    Levelling goes pretty fast, I blinked twice and was level 8. Last night, 55 people online + a GM. That equaled the number of GMs I ever saw on Euro Mir and is infinitely larger than the number of GMs on USA lol.
  4. User Count current Servers (march)

    You have an awful way of making points then. Have a look at Ilsta's post, there someone with the decency to explain a few things to people who haven't been here for 10 years. @Ilsta I hope the coming weeks will see some more clarity on the various server offerings :) So far I am most impressed...
  5. User Count current Servers (march)

    Thank you for proving my point. Seems like every opinion outed here deserves to be slagged off immediately. Anyways, I took the liberty to download the MirRevenge client and it showed a "stunning" amount of 10 *ten* online players. So I do wonder where the hysteria on this forum about the...
  6. User Count current Servers (march)

    Answer to you: Mir Revenge offers the closest to gamepots game experience? (haven't tried this server yet, but I reckon it is, feel free to correct me). All the private server boys here are so incredibly self centered that they ignore the fact that the people on gamepot played on gamepot because...
  7. User Count current Servers (march)

    I hope the gamepot folks will find their way to reunited then :)
  8. User Count current Servers (march)

    I am looking for something as close to GamePot/Old Euro Mir as possible. I reckon that is what the gamepot community wants as well, so I'm keeping my eyes open on these forum to see the user bases :)
  9. User Count current Servers (march)

    I just had a look on Reunited, there were 44 players on. I was shocked to realize how little 44 people is, BW was empty. Makes you wonder how many player it takes for a "healthy" game. I reckon its gotta be close to 500 to give an 'live' feel to it. No offense to any hosts of private servers...