Euro copy - your thoughts


Dec 4, 2008
I'd buy pots that give 5% instant exp ;) not 5% more exp to level on though.


More like Retodd
Golden Oldie
Jul 28, 2006
ben you should do what mir 3 did and release a mir package or w.e that lasts for a week, it was reasonably cheap and you got more gold/exp/dc/mc/sc. id be on 1 of them 24/7 if i played as would my mate.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Yer maybe, we'll think about it

Ive ordered a 2nd dedi so we'll get something up and have a think about wot we're doin and stuff


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 4, 2004
If we are talking Euro Rate, 5 More DC or the 5% exp is a massive difference.

Why do you not rely on the quality of the server to pull in the donations for nothing?

No one in their right mind is going to donation for nothing in return, this isn't euro it's a private sever.

The amount of abuse and stick Ben gets day in day out is crazy and to do all that work for nothing in return is stupid.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2012
Could you not do a subscription type thing where you get such and such each month or week, be more fair than a game shop as every one who done the subscrption would be on the same level rather than someone whos got more cash to spend on a game than others or others like to spend. But you can still choose to play for free or subscribe to help with server costs and gain a few bonuses, wouldn't need to be m,uch either say £5 per month and with a usercount of say 100 which im sure your get even if only half subscribed it would cover server costs easily.


Nov 7, 2007
i agree with ben on donations, its a business at the end of the day, you do it to make money, theres no other reason anyone puts up with the crap and hassle of running a server.

time is money my friends.

What about the coders? They do everything for free then you take the files and make money from them, i don't see how thats fair if am honest, your taking other peoples work and making money from it.
Not aimed at bon as i know his team code there own stuff but am saying over the years people have been making money from other peoples work.

I don't think any server should have donations for atleast the first month, they should atleast proove that they can keep a server up for more then a week.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
When we 1st released low rate i dont think donations came ingame for 2 weeks, as we wanted it to be fair and everyone to race for the levels.. donations woulda ruined that... will probably do the same again

good news is ive found the low rate files

bad news is theres probably quite a bit of work to do to get them "up to date" so to speak... all the quests were the old way, eg variables and stuff... not the new quest system - so that either needs converting or leaving (maybe old way isnt so bad i mean, it worked fine?)

other than that they seem workin ok


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
When we 1st released low rate i dont think donations came ingame for 2 weeks, as we wanted it to be fair and everyone to race for the levels.. donations woulda ruined that... will probably do the same again

good news is ive found the low rate files

bad news is theres probably quite a bit of work to do to get them "up to date" so to speak... all the quests were the old way, eg variables and stuff... not the new quest system - so that either needs converting or leaving (maybe old way isnt so bad i mean, it worked fine?)

other than that they seem workin ok

who cares about quests, just face rolling on the keyboard till the endless grind of mob ends


Dec 4, 2008
Please.... make it 3 Heroes Low Rate minus Sins. :P

Whens release date?

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Also parts of it need removing ben all sets rushed in and caves rushed in after lvl50 were stupid :X

Diagon place and others.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 22, 2010
Euro Clone with some additions and updates would be ideal.

EXP should be a bit higher but not stupid (maybe x2). Skill Exp roughly the same except, as mentioned, the stupid ones.

Not fussed either way about sins. If they can be introduced without being too overpowered or ruining the general balance of the game then fine. They should need added acc and speed on items, low dc but fast a.speed.

Put in a GameShop but never sell any items or books and if EXP scrolls could be left out too would be good. Or if they have to be in no more than 10% added exp. Worst thing to do on a low rate is to sell items and skill books that people work hard to get from drops. Keep rares rare!

No stupid looking armors/weps/items, keep the Euro look on everything as far as possible.

No teleing straight to KR's from town or even straight to caves.

Introduce MLC/SlaveCave after a while with same bosses in and same drop files (if possible).

Pretty much exact copy of Euro at start would be good, then after people have levelled a bit gradually introduce new hunting areas/bosses and maybe some higher level items.

Body drop from both PK and Mob (5% chance or w/e).


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Please.... make it 3 Heroes Low Rate minus Sins. :P

Whens release date?

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Also parts of it need removing ben all sets rushed in and caves rushed in after lvl50 were stupid :X

Diagon place and others.

Na we will add assassins.. they were ok on low rate and pretty balanced, the only became somewhat stupid when we added that invisible spell, so prob wotn do that agian

there is no release date, or a defo go ahead, its something we'll work on and let u know as we know

and yes we basiaclly plan to remove all the "rushed" updates that was quickly added.. and go bk to around lvl43 and add in new content from there


Dec 4, 2008
Euro Clone with some additions and updates would be ideal.

EXP should be a bit higher but not stupid (maybe x2). Skill Exp roughly the same except, as mentioned, the stupid ones.
Sounds...... BORING.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 28, 2009
The quests are fine in the old way - I think that worked much better than your actual quest system. Just remove the last big update you had (Nomad province) and do a few updates (That you did on TH and work for LR - Lottery as an example) and about the sins... leave them ingame. It was one of the things that made FH LR more special, how the sin was made, very different from the original one - i always liked the sin on your files so leave it ingame.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Do you remember the old way tho? its kinda annoyin that the advert got deleted off LOMCN as it had screenshots and that

Ill be setup and ingame soon hopefully and ill post some stuff

This was the orginal advert:

Download links:
Client mir2.exe:
For more downloads and patchs please visit our website!​

General Server Information​

FourHeros is built around a low style rate game server, but dont let that put you off! Theres many things ingame to keep you entertained and leveling that you wont even notice. Because of it being a low rate it means the server will have a very long lifespan, so you know your work here wont be wasted.

We have so many new features, monster magic, player spells, the brand new assassin class, and much more! Heres a couple screenies and information regarding the new content:

Brand new class, the Assassin!

The assassin is a brand new class, it is basically a mixture between a warrior and taoist, which less HP than a warrior, and slightly less dc, but makes up for it with better base dc/accuracy, and a selection of taoist spells, such a running hide that works similar to a clear ring, a clone of himself, a powerful thrust attack, a poisoning sword, and much much more!
Assassin is a great boss hunter with its nice accuracy/agility, and ability to poison with his sword!

Brand new spells for Warrior/Wizard/Taoist



Attack everything around you with powerful spining swords all around your body. This spell has a 5x5 range and works off the users DC! Has a small cooldown of 2-3seconds.


The Warrior summons all his mighty to attack with a powerful crashdown of his sword, causing his attack to deal damage to up to 3 targets in the line of fire! This is one of the warriors most devestating attacks, even more powerful than Flamingsword, delivering up to x3 damage of a normal attack! However has a 10secs cooldown.



Cast a ball of fire at an enemy that explodes on impact hittin all mobs in range of 5x5 of the target! The main target may have a chance to be paralized, and recieves 100% damage from the spell. Targets in a 3x3 area will receive 70% damage. Targets in a 5x5 area will receive 50% damage.


Wizard casts an icey magic towards his enemys which can damage an area of 3x3 infront of him. There is a chance the enemy may become frooze and unable to move for a few seconds!



Image Unavilable atm

The taoist can summon a powerful fog to the field, any enemys that walk into this fog will be damaged by its magical powers, and if the target is lower level than the user who cast the fog, will be repeld backwards!


Image Unavilable atm

A very powerful and unique spell, the taoist has up to different Totems he can summon to his aid, using unique amulets to deciding which totem he will summon. The totem will cover different ranges dependin on the skill level, for example level 3 will cover a 5x5 range. Depending on the attack mode of the caster, eg, GuildMode, and guildmembers walk into the totems range, they will receive a buff/aid from the totem. The different Totems will be:

DefenseTotem- Will Increase defensive powers to all in its area
HealthTotem- Will increase HPand MP to all in its area
AttackTotem- Will increase attack power to al inits area
HealingTotem- Will heal all that are in its range.

(Images are unavilable because they are still being worked on, but they will be complete before any drop)

Brand new monster AI and magics!


The BlackMinotaur is a powerful foe, he has the ability to repulse all enemys around him, attack multiple enemys with a ranged fireattack, and deal a devestating change melee attack that can do up to x2 damage!


Azazel is a devestating boss, with the ability to aim mass attacks at targets, single out certain enemys, and even the ability to paralize his enemys, he is no foe to be taken lightly!


The FireKnight belongs to a group of four knights that protect the Overlord on his thrown, they are a very poewrful group

The Overlord is the Ruler of mir... Its near impossible just to get near the mighty king, let alone defeating him. To any that beat this powerful foe will be granted untold richs!

New Quest System with hundreds of quests!

There is hundreds of quests ingame to aid you in your leveling, some give small item rewards, some give small gamegold rewards, and others build up to a better reward, but all give a bit of gold and EXP!

As well as the grinding quests, there are many story based quests to gain unique and special items, like a NoneRepairable Paralysis/Protection ring, but this is no easy task! Also the quest for a BloodSword and many more!

Brand new Item slots and added stat display!

Thats right we even have 5 new item slots! The four at the bottom of your character are as follows.
  • New slot for amulet/Poison to allow taoists to use 2x bracelets
  • New slot for a Quest based item
  • New slot for a Games item, these are rewarded from LMS/ Capture the flag / Guild Wars etc
  • A new slot for Sabuk / Fourheros Castle holders, and other special items!

The 5th slot is for our brand new ShoulderPads!

The shoulderpads can be found all over mir in their rough uncrafted state. You must take these shoulder pads to the crafter in the CraftingSchool, he will ask you for sme other materials to fix up the pads to give them some cool stats!
Every pad can be upgraded from Normal > (S) > (M) > (L)

Heres Some Short Videos:
Sorry about quality... - mainly teaser about assassin+mobs - mainly about spells -few new teaser boss's - Video made by a player exploring

Instead of listing everything here, you should come ingame and see for yourself, many players currently enjoyed it in our beta testing, heres just a few reveiws from players!

Very highly reccomended =P
Amazing server and very well thought out... 11/10 (Y)

My feedback - The quest system is good - basically guides you through the game & for people like me to dislike 'low' rates (Though it is clearly a med rate) makes the server much more fun. From what I saw the new spells are the nuts.

good server layout like the noob quests making lvling at low level more intresting being able to wear 2 braces on tao and still hav poison and amulet (Y). assasins lukin pretty nifty in all i like it never like a low rate before but this is changin my view on them.
Nice work!!

beta is very impressive. I suggest all players should log in and give it a try amazing fun especially considering it is low rate.

very good server highly recermended.
good work 4heros team.
Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 22, 2012
As a former GamepotUSA player, I just want to see a server that has

- low rate
- a population
- no home made /custom items no matter how creative you are
- no added maps that weren't on gamepot

Basically, create a clone of GamepotUSA's version and you will attract the majority of its players. Why? Because that's the game we were (are) playing! That's what we want!

And tbh I don't care if its free to play, a Potcash system or a monthly fee. I'm happily paying if I can get a guarantee that the server is stable, populated, cheat free and around for more than a few months!


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
I disagree tho, hardly anyone from LOMCN would join a copy of EURO/USA... they want something a little different.

So unless i was somehow able to get tehse 100 USA players i wouldnt be able to make a community to keep the server stable.

You say you dont want any new items or maps that wasnt on gamepot, but some of the items/maps on gamepot were brand new and not in euro - how did u feel about that lol?

What am i meant to do about updates if i cant use any new maps/items lol?


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
I disagree tho, hardly anyone from LOMCN would join a copy of EURO/USA... they want something a little different.

So unless i was somehow able to get tehse 100 USA players i wouldnt be able to make a community to keep the server stable.

You say you dont want any new items or maps that wasnt on gamepot, but some of the items/maps on gamepot were brand new and not in euro - how did u feel about that lol?

What am i meant to do about updates if i cant use any new maps/items lol?
I think he wants a standard server to start with, and then maybe start to add updates further down the line.

Rather than bringing a server up with loads of new stuff from the off.


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
The new maps and items on gamepot USA we're implemented wrong. There was no build up, if i was you i'd start something completely different, with your own level caps..

Just don't go adding non official looking armours / weapons and items... and if you do add more items, get someone decent enough to make them thereselves. You go a coder good enough to advance 2.3 into something you wanted, why not get someone to design new items? ...that don't look **** and out of place.

Personally i'd start taking some features from heroes since they offer more than enuff images per armour / weapon. Thats if i was using 2.6 RM2.

P.S - I think heroes is the best set of files out so far...


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Sounds good idea,

I even think you should delay spells like Flame field, curse, deva, and few others. Make people work with basics as Euro and as you got 20-40 level 45+ players add the spells. Cause all you will have happen is a level 43 wizz get FF, and he will then rocket past everybody else, becoming a first come first serve sort of server, also gives you longer to prepare patches, as existing contents is there and waiting.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 25, 2009
Sounds good idea,

I even think you should delay spells like Flame field, curse, deva, and few others. Make people work with basics as Euro and as you got 20-40 level 45+ players add the spells. Cause all you will have happen is a level 43 wizz get FF, and he will then rocket past everybody else, becoming a first come first serve sort of server, also gives you longer to prepare patches, as existing contents is there and waiting.

I agree with keeping things quite small to start. Surely this will also help as if you have a lower user count, having less maps and content to begin with could make the server seem more populated, then just add stuff as and when it's needed. With most private servers you just get loads of dungeons sitting there unused as there are always better places to hunt, would be nice to have to use these areas again, just not grind in them *too* much.

Then again maybe I'm just being too nostalgic for the old days of euro. Either way if you make a new low rate, I'll probably play it.