Recent content by Winglessxangel

  1. The New Guy

    actually i do have it my site and if u go into the contact section you can c that i am available for work
  2. The New Guy

    nope i wish i was with a company lol. im still far far far from good. i mean ive only been drawing for a bit more then a year lol. but i hope to get pro sometime (thats my dream)
  3. The New Guy

    been working on it for a week now and im finally done:needcoffe
  4. The New Guy

  5. The New Guy

    ok im done with the character as i c it. if i c something i need to change i will but untill then off to the bg :drunk:
  6. The New Guy

    heres a bit more on my current progressive WIP
  7. The New Guy

    Here s a tutorial i made for those who are really new to photoshop coloring, and dont know how to make tones flow from one color to another without the gradiant tool http://www.loadingcreations.gamehorizons.n...utorial.wps.htm
  8. The New Guy

    u guys totally lost me with this MIR thing but, anyways heres a pic i like to show of my first photoshop piece i ever made sadly i was so proud of this and thought i was good :sarclap:
  9. The New Guy

    heres a bit of an update
  10. The New Guy

    Heres a new piece im working on BTW for all those who care bout sigs thiers one of my look down lol
  11. The New Guy

    riiighht. . . . anyways if ur gona post ur stuff maybe have some manners and make ur own thread? now back to the art. jamis asked me several times to make him a tutorial so i decided i will make a movie tutorial. But i am only putting 1 section up for free to download when i finish it i will...
  12. The New Guy

    lol thnx i feel quite away from home but i aint got no prob with any of ya so i should be ok. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . right?
  13. The New Guy

    are u guys always like this?
  14. The New Guy

    wow, i dont think ive ever said so many thnx lol. well i love drawing and i hope to get a job @ it. I already got a tiny sorta job doing websites but nothing with drawing yet. o and bout the BlueWolf would look nice on a shirt, i got a store up and if u guys want you can check it out. . .. or...
  15. The New Guy

    well hes the one that told me bout this place. but im not so sure were friends lol just a guy i know and help out with photoshop