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  1. "irl tbh"

    just gay...
  2. Judgement

    Its Having A Fresh Start Sunday Or Monday So All Join Early And Get To The Tops Of The Server
  3. BloodServer

    I know ppl will flame me but bloodserver has bad gm's. I saw a gm recall a red person to storage to get away from guards which isnt that big of a deal but he still did it. Also, i found tele ring/para on the ground and kept it because at the time the person who transfered it was pk'ing. Whole...
  4. WhIpLaSh Exe

    can someone post on here and/or msg me on msn to send it to me? i think the one on the website is down. msn is [email protected]
  5. Project255

    anyone gettin on? i cant
  6. DB Help

    can someone send me an untouched db (or something close to normal stuff) because i've accidentally deleted a big part of my DB my msn is [email protected] thanks
  7. No Links work

    none of the links work that have been said so far so where else can i dl ei at?
  8. Autopatch?

    is there sum kinda way to disable the autopatch? because the auto patch does nothing and i cant get into a server
  9. cool new server

    not really a server but otherwise no one would see this: i've d/l the 1gig file and now what do i need to do to get on a server? anyone help plz?
  10. MSN's...

    if you can help me get mir3 started, please give me your msn