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  1. Gloop

    tell me what u want

    I suggest a poll to let the people vote as you are getting mixed answers and a poll would clear things. 2.3 15X Exp Medium stats nothing stupid Some cave teleports (no KR teles) Lots of choice for leveling areas New and Old maps Plenty of quests Hard bosses that require a group to kill
  2. Gloop

    What Job Have You Got?

    Well im a milkman :P, but i just got a job at Denby Pottery working on the shop floor start on Monday :D EDIT: Has anyone else noticed that GhettoFx's website hasn't been updated since 2004?
  3. Gloop

    Bandet Server (1.9 Ledu)

    I also cannot get on the forum, damn activation email hasnt turned up. Thanks for the link
  4. Gloop

    AS/A-Level results

    I dont know if i can be bothered to go in at all, i just cant be arsed. I know ive failed everything anyway so i dont see the point in going in, but if i dont go in they will only ring me up so its just crap.
  5. Gloop

    Error with NAV

    I keep getting an error to do with NAV with the filename SAVRT.SYS anyone else had this and how they solved it? keeps giving a blue screen stopping windows completely
  6. Gloop

    Wow Account

    Use your 10 day free pass and make your own account to see what it is like.
  7. Gloop

    Auscontrol - Require Staff

    Excellent, sounds like your putting Down Under back up? i'd be happy to help you out. Btw you going to use the old forums? :P i've still got the link to it if you want.
  8. Gloop

    Destiny 1.4

    Put it up, it has been ages since i have played the server.
  9. Gloop

    Crusade Server 1.9 Ledu Up For Testing

    There is a link to the exe on their forums, just depends if you want to use filefront or not.
  10. Gloop

    Crusade Server 1.9 Ledu Up For Testing

    The page it should be on says disabled, also filefront does suck i had to restart my computer because it binned explorer =/ EDIT: Can someone also give another link to the patches please.
  11. Gloop

    Crusade Server 1.9 Ledu Up For Testing

    I think there is something wrong with the Ledu im using it makes me run super fast =/ anyone help?
  12. Gloop


  13. Gloop

    hosting new server 2day

    Did the server actually get hosted / is it still online i would like a try.
  14. Gloop

    Foundation files

    1.4 has never sucked =/
  15. Gloop

    Sweden vs Pokémon

    I say pokemon would win purely on the fact that snorlax would just sit on everything and sleep.
  16. Gloop

    Cabbage Vs. Broccoli

    I do believe that off topic does not contribute to your post count.
  17. Gloop

    How did you find lomcn?

    I found out about LOMCN through ggmania and at the time my best m8 was a Moderator at LOMCN before there was that reset thing, RockIsDead was his account name.
  18. Gloop

    Disturbed 1.9 is now absolete

    Re: Disturbed server - Autopatching now available! I do believe that at the moment the auto patcher is not working? not sure but i dont think it is. I downloaded the main client to play the server didn't take too long to download. off topic but do you listen to Megadeth by any chance?
  19. Gloop

    Foundation files

    Ooops lol my mistake i was thinking of RAGE 1.4 at the time when i posted O.o sorry :P
  20. Gloop

    Foundation files

    Gave them back to Mr Rob or something?